Chapter 59: Keefe

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Heyyy. So schools coming up in a few weeks but I decided to try and update (I listened to the playlist "sokeefe is my comfort ship" by ellaphantintheroom on Spotify while writing this just btw if your looking for a good Sokeefe playlist)

Also—I'd like to say, OH MY GOD. I only re-read the last like 3 chapters and good god there is enough drama in there to fill up a high school. Sorry for the drama but if your still here you know I do love me some drama 😂. Anyway this story is pretty cringe looking back but I'm proud of it and proud of me. 

Thank you allll so so much as I've said many many times before. In light of recent events, my ladies stay safe out there. Tysm and have an amazing day. <3

I walked along the sands of a beach, darkened by a reckless storm. The tide slammed into the shore with growing intensity and the wind roared in my ears. Lighting flashed, illuminating the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen standing on a cliff overlooking the beach. Her blonde hair thrashed in the wind as lightning struck again. As the flash lit up the sky, my faint smile disappeared as I saw a dark cloaked figure come up behind her. 

Sophie Sophie Sophie Sophie Sophie

I looked at the beach under the cliff. There were...people there. Fighting. A shriveled old man fighting another cloaked figure. A man with strawberry blonde hair. A man surrounded by shadows. A woman stepping in and out of sight, teal eyes flashing. A blonde man fighting next to a red haired women who was...conjuring weapons? A man with the same teal jewel eyes as the first woman fighting alongside a beautiful woman blinking in and out of my vision. A petite girl surrounded by fire. A a girl with black hair dipped in silver spinning her hands, twisting the water of the sea. There were others on the beach also. All fighting one or more mystery figures dressed in black. 

Sophie Sophie Sophie Sophie Sophie

I remembered the woman on the cliff. The hood of the cloaked person fell down to reveal a woman with jet black hair, slicked up into a ponytail. But my attention wasn't on her hair or face. Lighting flashed again as I focused on the glittering sword being pulled from the second woman's hip. I opened my mouth to scream as the second woman thrusted the sword straight into the back of the blonde woman's stomach, but nothing came out as I tried to scream again.

Sophie Sophie Sophie Sophie Sophie

The blonde woman's hands came up to where the sword protruded her stomach. 

Oh look at that. I've been impaled. (Sorry I had to haha)

Then she fell. She toppled over, off the cliff. Her body cracked in places that never should've broken as her body hit the ground. I found my voice, and I screamed the now dead woman's name. 


"Keefe?" A voice whispered urgently, coated in concern. "Keefe!" The voice whispered again. 

I tried to look breathing. "S-Sophie?"  A broken sob escaped my lips as a flash of Sophie's crumpled body at the bottom of cliff flashed before my eyes.

"Shhhhh." She comforted. Sophie pulled me up to lay next to her, head resting on her shoulder as she wrapped and arm around me. 

I breathed in the faint smell of coconut in her hair and cried for a few minutes as she ran her fingers through my hair. "What'd you dream about?" She whispered. 

I cleared my throat a few times before  answered. "We were all fighting. On a beach. You got...stabbed and fell off a cliff..." My breath caught before I whispered,

"you died. I saw you die." 

Something Immortal (A Sokeefe Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें