Chapter 33: Sophie

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It's been two months. TWO MONTHS! That's how long it took for my babies to heal from those stupid shadows. I wish that I'd never been captured. I wish that this person wasn't after my twins. Why can't we just have a normal life? I wanted so badly to be normal when I was a teenager. Now I don't care if I'm normal or not. I want a normal life. 

I know elf babies talk when they're born, but I don't really like that, plus I'm lazy so I'm not writing that.

I heard a noise from down the hall. Crying. Yay. Nathen wasn't a very sound sleeper, like me, but Megan could sleep through pretty much anything. She always woke up when she wanted to. I silently got out of bed, and walked down to their room. I cracked the door open and saw Nathen standing up in the crib, his head lying on his arms and he was crying, his eyes half closed. I picked him up and laughed softly.

"Why won't you go to sleep if you're so tired?"

I sat down on the rocking chair next to his crib and started to hum. Ever since they'd been born, they loved the music of the human lullaby 'Hush Little Baby'. It always seemed to calm them down. After a few minutes, he drifted off to sleep. I gently set him down into his crib, and lightly brushed his hair off his face with my thumb. Both of the twins had my straight blonde hair and Keefe's ice blue eyes. So that meant I was still the only brown eyed elf. I walked over to the other side of the room to check on Megan. When I saw that she was still asleep, I walked back to my room and as soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep. 

It was after all the middle of the night. I was TIREDDDDDD.

Me every day. Snooze. Snooze. Maybe just hit it one more time...... OMG I ONLY HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET READY! STUPID ALARM WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!!? Anyone else with this problem? 


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