Chapter 29: Keefe

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I am so sorry In advance if any of this bit about PTSD is inaccurate, I don't have PTSD or know anyone with it, but I gave it a shot anyway.   :)

That was probably the most terrifying thing I've ever had to watch. I still had bad memories of Nightfall, but Sophie practically collapsed at the mention of it. She fell to the floor, clutching her head. I couldn't get her to talk to me. She had a blank glassy look in her eyes, as if she couldn't separate reality from the memories. I looked up at Fitz.

"Can you get into her mind and see what's wrong?"

He nodded and closed his eyes. By the time he opened them, a tear fell from his face and his brow was covered in sweat. 

"What?" I demanded. He shook his head. "She doesn't trust me anymore."

I looked back at Sophie. Sophie Foster. The bravest person I've ever known. My wife. A mother of two. She started muttering different words. How would she know to do that? She was muttering words like, Calm, Safe, In and Out. He breathing slowly steadied, and she closed her eyes and leaned against my shoulder. I tilted my head to look at her. 

"What was that Sophie?" I whispered. She pointed at Dex as if asking him to come to her. She pulled out her iPod thingy. She gave it to Dex. "Search up PTSD. All caps." She whispered. I assume he did because he gasped and hugged her. He held out the iPod to me. I read the definition.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

I looked at Sophie, hugging Dex so hard and I couldn't help but think that she knew about this and didn't tell us. But I wasn't going to bring it up. She slowly got up, and she dragged us all outside. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she nodded at Bangs Boy. They both closed their eyes again and we started to rise up, up, up off the ground. Then we dropped. Teleporting was always terrifying, but I'd gotten a little more used to it. We all dropped into the void and suddenly we were on a mountain side. Grady walked up behind me and grabbed my arm. 

"What happened to her?" He asked, concerned. I recited it from memory. I closed my eyes. 

"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event."

He looked shocked but nodded. "Thank you Keefe." I was surprised. Usually he avoided using my name, because i had a feeling that he still want to call me That Boy. I walked up to Sophie and squeezed her hand. She had her gloves off, so I sent her a calming breeze. She smiled at me gratefully. And we looked at the hidden blood confirmation pad. I took our new crest pin off. We'd gotten a new one when we got married.

Imagine it however you want I'm being a lazy writer and don't want to come up with one.

I poked my finger, and some blood poked through. I cringed but swiped my finger over the sensor. The door slid open and we walked inside. 

I'm so sorry this took me two days to write! I didn't think I'd been that long! But anyway, it'll start taking me a little bit longer (probably) to update as of Monday cause of school. Going to school Monday is going to suck so much. But, I know this chapter wasn't all that great but it got them closer to Nightfall right? They next chapter will probably be about them in Nightfall. And to be clear, it's the one in the mountain that Lady Gisela made. Also, I realized I forgot about Ro, so let's just pretend she was there that whole time and she was being very un-Ro like by being quiet? Thanks!


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