Chapter 57: Sophie

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Sophie is in italics, and Keefe is underlined.

I quickly transmitted to Keefe, 

Where are they? 

And, knowing me, he said, 

Out with me and GlitterButt

I smiled, You'll never stop will you?


I could almost see him grinning to himself. But my smile faded as he said,

We need to talk. After I put Megan and Nathen to bed, go to the spring.

I quietly responded with a yes, and hurried outside to see Keefe holding the twins on Wynn and Luna's back. I smiled and walked up to them, only to find the need to run my temples from the sudden headache brought on by Silveny and her shouting.












I picked up Megan from where she was crawling around with Wynn and Luna. I hugged her, and she seemed to sink into me. I looked down at the mess of blonde hair and the big ice blue eyes. I never noticed before, but I start to flecks? When the sunlight hit her eyes just right, her eyes sparkled gold. I smiled and tapped her nose, saying softly, 


And she giggled in my arms. Not quite ready to set her down yet, I sit her on my left hip and pick up Nathen from Silveny's back and nuzzle his nose with mine. I hug my little boy, silently swearing that I won't let this new rising rebellion hurt them. I sit down and play with them, laughing, and drowning out the world. I barely even notice the sun dropping below the horizon until Keefe picks the twins up. 

"Hey!" I whine.

Keefe only smirks. But even that is weak. Like he can't even believe I'm here for real. 

"Sorry Foster. It's their bedtime."

I pout, and as I do so, I realize something. "You know that you're technically Foster now to. Right?"

His smirk only hardens. Becomes more real. "And are you gonna call me Foster?"

I open my mouth. Then close it. I huff a sigh of annoyance. I stand up and kiss him softly. Then I pull away, and proceed to flick him nose. That gets him out of his trance, and as I run back towards our house, I hear him shout, 

"Hey! It's no fun when you're learning how to play the game!"

I just grin, let out a soft snort, and keep running. 


I think that was pretty ok. Now I will probably not update for 2-3 more weeks, as I said, I am taking a short break. BUT I have something for you to look forward to! Every 4 chapters, I'll do a special. I looked back and saw that I never covered any of their teen years. So each special will be a different ship from back when they were teenagers. So I'll ask at the end of the second chapter for a vote on who the ship should be. I'll give a list and pleaseeeee pick one! Cause if you don't then I have to! If I ever forget, please please please message me and remind me. Love you all! See you soooooonnnnnn! ♥️♥️♥️

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