Chapter 8: Sophie

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3 years later

Me and Keefe were sitting under the Panakes tree, and it was sunset, so it reminded me of when we first got together. I smiled, and looked at Keefe. But for some reason, he looked nervous. I put my hand over his and smiled at him.

"What's wrong Keefe? I know that look. I've seen that look, and worn it. Why are you so nervous?"

Keefe smiled and laughed softly.

"Foster, I'm surprised you're not an empath. You always know just what I feel, and what to say to make it better."

I gave him that look. We'd been together ever since that night under the Panakes Tree, and he knew what I meant when I gave him the look. Spill. You didn't answer my question. He sighed.

"Ok. I'm gonna try this once. I hope that it doesn't crash and burn."

I smiled, encouraging him.


My head snapped me around. He hadn't called me Sophie in years. What was wrong?

"You're the most amazing, and special girl in the world. You love me for me, and you make me so happy. You're perfect for me. I love you more than anyone, and I would do anything for you."

I saw where this was going and I put my hands over my mouth, as tears streamed down my face.

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

My mouth hung open, as I sat there crying and staring at his beautiful blue eyes. Then I realized I needed to respond.

"Yes! Yes!"

We stood up, and he picked me up and spun me around. He set me down and I kissed him. He pulled out a beautiful diamond ring and put it on my finger. I looked up at him, and looked into his perfect ice blue eyes and kissed him again. I couldn't stop smiling, and neither could he. We sat back down, and I examined my ring.

"Keefe this is beautiful! I love it!"

We sat there, looking out as the sun set and I thought of one thing.

"Keefe, I really hate to spoil the mood, but I really want to tell my parents."

His smile almost melted, but we were both so happy, it didn't. We stood up and walked towards Havenfield. We walked inside and I called out, "Mom! Dad! Can you come here! I want to tell you something!"  

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