Chapter 7: Keefe

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Ugh. I was so embarrassed when Me and Sophie woke up to Biana looking behind her panicking and whispering that Team Vailent was coming. Biana told me to leap away, and I feel kinda bad because I leaped out without even saying goodbye. But in my defense, if anyone but Biana had caught me and Sophie asleep, we'd never hear the end of it, and I swear I'd be dead by Grady. He was already super angry with Fitzy for being so horrible to her, and if I became her boyfriend.........yeesh. Not a pretty picture. When I got back to my room at the Shores of Solace, Ro was lounging on a chaise in a corner in my room, examining her claws.

"Sooo. What were you doing all night Hunkyhair? Any smooching with our little blonde? Did you stay next to her all night?"

I looked away, not wanting to answer her questions, but NOT answering seemed to be an answer in itself. She smirked, and surprisingly it turned into a smile.

"Congratulations HunkyHair, you desere it."

My mouth dropped.


Ro rolled her eyes.

"I can be sincere! And anyway, this is entertaining. You know, watching your groups love lives."

I rolled my eyes. I layed down on my bed and I found my mind wandering to Sophie. Her beautiful blonde hair, her perfect brown eyes, her gentle laugh, and the twinkle in her eyes when she smiles. I looked up my window and noticed it was almost dark. How had it gotten so late? Then my imparter beeped, and I saw a message from Sophie.

Can you come over please?

I jumped up, threw on a shirt, and rushed out the door. Ro came out of nowhere and asked me where I was going, I looked at her, and she immediately understood. Sophie. I got to the leap master and shouted, "Havenfield!" I flashed into Havenfield and ran (even though anyone who asked would only know that I walked) up to the front door and knocked. Unfortunately for me, Grady answered and glared at me.

"Hi..." I said awkwardly.

"Do you know where Sophie is...?" I mumbled, because he was still glaring at me.

"What are you doing here Keefe? The sun is setting, and Sophie doesn't need you here at this hour."

"Actually sir, So-"

Thankfully Edaline walked up behind Grady, and I knew she'd heard our conversation, and smiled at me as she said "She's out at the Panakes tree."

I nodded and mumbled a quick thank you. Then I ran over to Calla's tree to see Sophie sitting against the tree, hugging her legs and staring out into the sunset. She looked so cute and peaceful, I almost didn't want to tell her I was here, but she turned around, smiled. And I was surprised to see relief on her face. I sat down next to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I asked as softly as I could. She looked away.

"Dex and Biana found out about, you know."

Us. She meant Us!

"So? I mean, they won't tell anyone."

"I know. But they're my two best friends! They didn't have a reaction as much as other people."

"You're thinking about Fitz."

"Well Ya, and everyone else to! How would they react?"

I tightened my grip on her shoulders slightly.

"It's ok! Everything will work out fine!"

"How can you say that?" Sophie cried. "I don't want to lose any friends!"

"Shh. It's ok. Maybe you should just get some sleep,"

She nodded, and as i got up to leave, she grabbed my hand, and still crying asked me,

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

I was so happy that she loved me to, that I would do anything for her.

"Of course."

I sat back down and she curled up against me and we fell asleep.

Something Immortal (A Sokeefe Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang