Chapter 37: Sophie

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As soon as we arrived at Everglen, Biana tackled me with a hug.


I smiled. Biana and her enthusiasm. I don't know where she got it. "Bi, it's been 2 weeks."

She looked at me as if I'd grown a second head. "I know. Forever." 

Me: *cough - Yeah Sophie. Duh - cough* 

Keefe coughed slightly, and I saw him covering up a smile. I glared at him as I took Nathen from him. 

I almost used the word grabbed, but for some reason that always makes me feel like they're doing it - like - not gently? Or is that just me?

I situated Nathen and Megan on both of my hips, and followed Biana inside as Tam and Keefe begrudgingly walked outside together. 

"Don't kill each other while we're gone ok guys?" I called, smirking at Keefe as he stuck his tongue out at me. Me, refusing to let him win, stuck my tongue out right back at him and quickly turned away so I could get the last...whatever we were doing. Biana smiled quietly to herself. 

"What?" I demanded. She smiled brighter as she looked over at me with Nathen and Megan. 

"It's just...everyone in our group...except, well...anyway, we all thought you guys would end up together, and now you are, and are so perfect for each other. You even have a happy family! And we all saw it coming, years and years away."

I blushed, but noted the obvious wistfulness in her voice. "Hey," I said gently. I'd picked up a few things from being a mother. How to comfort someone, and how to be fierce and protective. "You know Tam loves you so much. And you guys have two kids! How is my life any better or different than yours?" 

She sighed. "It's just...I'm not so sure anymore. I was so confident he really loved me, but I guess I was probably wrong. Why would anyone look at me? Next to you, and Marella, and Linh, and even STINA for gods sake, why would he love me?"

I set down Megan and Nathen and whispered, "Mommy needs a few minute with Aunt Biana ok? Go find Alden and Della ok? I think Kaitlynn and Emerson are with them." They both perked up at this and ran off to find them. 

I looked around, finding a couch nearby and slowly guided Biana over to it. "Why would you EVER think that Bi?" I whispered. "I know Tam. I mean, I was the first person to meet the twins to. You might have spent the most time with him, but I understand him because of my past. And, I know this isn't what you need to hear, but we've formed a kind of bond because of it, and I know with all my heart he loves you more than anyone. He loves you, and Kaitlynn, and Emerson. You three are the entire reason he's so happy! Have you noticed that when you and Kaitlynn and Emerson are around he smiles a lot more? He laughs and grins. He's so happy with you, why would he ever love someone else? You know firsthand how closed off and moody he was before you two started dating. But want to know who brought down those protective barriers? You, Biana! The question you should be asking yourself is why would he look at anyone BUT you? Everyone has their qualities and faults. Why do you think it took me so long to realize your brother actually liked me? Because i was so insecure about myself, I never thought ANYONE could ever like me. And yet here I am with a happy family. You are perfect Biana. I always wished I could be you. Normal. Beautiful. Perfect. Now stop doubting yourself. I want you to remember every happy memory you've ever had with Tam. Close your eyes." As soon as I finished, she did just that, and I closed my eyes to, concentrating. 

Tam Vacker you answer me right now. 

Yes mom. A shadowy voice answered.

You get in here right now and tell Biana how much you love her.

Um, why? She already knows I love her.

APPARENTLY NOT TAM! Just do it, I'll fill you in later. 

I left him to wonder why, and a few minutes later, Tam showed up and took Biana's hand. She looked surprised, then looked at me pointedly. Grinning, I shrugged. She followed Tam and I saw a faint smile on her face. Keefe came in to and sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and watched as Biana and Tam turned the corner. After about 5 minutes Keefe whined, 

"Haven't I been patient enoughhhh? I want to know what that was about! Why were you having a secret telepathic convo with Bangs Boy?"

I sighed and looked at him. "Do I detect a hint a jealousy?"

He scoffed. "Pfffffffft no..." 

"Pffffffft yes is more like it." I murmured, but ignored it.

"Biana was feeling a little insecure about Tam, so I wanted him to come cheer her up." 

Keefe smiled and kissed me. "That's my girl. Always looking out for people. And did you know that ever since the twins were born, you've been more strong and confident?"

I smiled to myself. Really? Had i really? That was cool i guess. After a while, we decided to go join the others, and found Linh and Wylie, Dex and Marella, and Tam and Biana walked in to. Biana came over and hugged me. 

"Thank you," She whispered. "I know you asked him to say that, but it was still good to hear."

I frowned. "Say what? I just asked him to come and tell you how much he loved you, cause I know you mean the world to him. He'd do anything for you."

Her smile widened. "So he came up with that? That makes it ten times better! Thank you so much Sophie! You're the best friend I could ask for."

We all sat down. Everyone playing, the twins and Kaitlynn and Emerson running around in the background, everyone eating Mallowmelt. It was perfect, and I never wanted this moment to end. Ever. 

So I'm just now realizing i've been a lazy writer, sorry. I'll try not to skip so much time k? Thank you guys for being patient with me while I read, i hope you liked this chapter! 


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