11-johnny depp x reader

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"im sorry... {Y/N}... i need to go" he takes his bag, and quickly, he leaves the room, leaving you crying inside it.

even if he did love you... love isnt working for him... its fun and games in the beggining, but then, what if someone gets hurt? what if one of you doesnt love the other at some point? love is not like in the movies he acted it. it was cruel and mean, and it hurt him. theres only so much his heart could take.


but now, even after he drove home and had his wine, he cant stop thinking about it, or you. how adorable you looked when you bounced into the room with a smile, and how hurt you looked when he left you inside it, crying softly.

the way you made him laugh. the way you knew exactly how he likes his coffee. you didnt need to make him coffee, there was always an intern happy to do it, but you insisted on it, every morning on set.

how everytime you and him were outside, and paparazzi were nearby, you made funny faces and tried hiding your face with the funniest ways, garantering them a picture of johnny laughing wildly.

how you hated going to fittings and makeup, and johnny always let you know he thinks its all pointless for you, you always look good.

that one morning you came to set with a bruise on your neck-that was actually a hickey from some unnamed little boyfriend at the time-and how the whole set made fun of you. he remembers how he felt when he saw it, it felt like someone reached to his chest and ripped out his heart.

the way you got angry and started yelling and shouting, but when you finished, you slumped your shoulders, hands slapping on your thighs as an awkward smile streched across your red-from-yelling face, and whispered with a breathy laugh "why do i have to do everything myself?"

that one day you got to work with a fever and a stuffy nose, insisting youre fine, but the second someone touched you you winced and fell, shiveres crawling around your body.

johnny took you home that day, he remember how you fell asleep the second he started driving, and he did his best to drive carefully, as he usualy drives fast and almost carelessly. and how he picked you up and took you up to your sofa as carefully as he could, and how he sat with your head in his lap until you woke up.

that one day you were supposed to wear a tiny dress and stockings, held up by garters attached to your panties. you were emberressed and felt uncomfortable, but the second the camera was on, you were a different person.

he would never admit to it, but he often was dreaming about you. everytime it was some different scenario, but it was so amazing. but those were dreams.

sighing, johnny shakes his head and takes his jacket and jumps into the car, driving as fast as he could through the cold night air over to your house.

maybe he could breaks through the walls of his dreams. maybe love will help his dream become reality, where its only you, and him.


finally, johnny reaches your house. he runs out of his car, not even bothering to lock it beforw he runs to your front door, and starts pounding on the door.

when the door finally opens, his heart flatters when he sees you. raw tears are staining your cheeks, red voulnarable eyes, your body is hiding behind a oversized shirt and some big sweatpants.

"johnny..?" your voice whispers as you rub your eye with your wrist, looking up at him, heart aching. his as well. "oh my god..." he sighs as he steps in, closing the door behind him. "im so sorry {Y/N}..." he whispers, taking your face in his hands, and he leans down to kiss your damp lips, thumbs rubbing softly on your cheeks.

"im so sorry {Y/N}, im so stupid" he whispers when he pulls away, and leans down to kiss you again. "i cant believe what i did... please forgive me.." between every few words he leans down to kiss you softly again and again.

you were confused, almost unable to move every time he kisses you, confusion written on your forehead. "im so sorry kitten..." he whispers again, kissing you, and the nicknames melts your insides.

"im sorry for hurting you, i cant believe i did that... i hate seeing you cry like that" he presses his forehead to yours, thumbs rubbing under your eyes. "i love you. i love you so much. i really do" he whispers, he feels as your breath catchs in your throat, and he leans down to kiss you again. this time, you kiss back.

"i do, i really do... love you" he says between kisses, feeling as your fists ball his shirt in your small hands. "i love the way you look, and how kind you are, and your pretty smile, and your soft hair.." he stops between every compliment to kiss you.

"i love how much you hate paparazzi, and how much you love having your tea in the morning, and how you smell so good..." he whisper against your lips.

"{Y/N}, i love you... my kitten... i really do" he whispers, and feels as you whimper and your shoulders shake "i love you too johnny... i love you so much..." new tears started falling, and he smiles, his heart bursts in his chest.

he gets to kiss you now for real.


umm... opinions? id love some feedback :)

comment, vote and follow!!

yours, the red demon♧

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