253: The One With The Party Downstairs

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I open the door and see Toni and Jessica. "What's happening?" I ask quietly. "Um... w-w-we need a place to stay tonight." She says quietly. "I'm sorry! I would have called you but I was in-." I stop her. "Come on!" I whisper. "Let's get Jess in bed." I say nodding to Toni. "Stay calm." I whisper for only her to hear. "Just for now." She nods. "Go to into the bathroom there are some stuff to calm you down. Ok?" She nods and goes upstairs. I look at Jessica. "Hey! Let's get you in bed! Yeah?" I smile closing the door. She nods. "Can I pick you up?" I ask. She nods. I pick her up. "Hey, guess what?" I ask smiling. "You get to stay in my brother's room tonight!" I say smiling. We go upstairs and go to the room. "Can you promise me not to touch anything?" I ask her. She nods. "Ok. This stuff is really important to me." I say quietly. She nods again. "Ok." I smile. I put her in the bed and makes sure she falls asleep. I walk into my bedroom and see her sitting on the bed taking off her boots. "Toni?" She looks at me. "I couldn't stay." She whispers. "I'm sorry for showing up at 4 in the morning, I just couldn't stay or keep Jessica there." She says in tears. I go over to her and kiss her. "It's ok! You're always welcome here even if we're both about to kill each other! My doors are always open for you guys." I say cupping her cheeks. She looks at me. "I don't know what to do now." She says quietly. "Rest, I'll call Jess's school in the morning and tell them she won't be in because I have a feeling she hasn't gotten any sleep." I explain. "What abo-." I stop her. "We'll deal with it tomorrow." I say quietly. I take her hand and see that it's bruised. I look at Toni. "She slapped me so I hit her." She says quietly. "It's was kinda therapeutic actually." She says smiling a bit. I kiss her hand. "Do you want ice?" I ask quietly. "Yeah, I can go get it though." She says starting to get up. "Finish getting changed and I'll go get you some ice." I say quietly. "Ok." She says quietly. I kiss her. She smiles softly and kisses me back. "I'm gonna check on Jess too." She says. "I-." She stops me. "No, she's my sister you put her to bed, I want to make sure she's ok." I nod. "Ok." I whisper and go to get her ice. I walk back in and give her the ice. "I couldn't take it anymore." She says quietly. I look at her. "You guys can stay here as long as you need." I say quietly. She looks at me. "You said you only wanted to stay a night, you guys can stay her until you get your feet on the ground and then you can stay here for longer." I say quietly. She nods. "Thanks." I smile. "I love you Toni." She smiles. "I love you too baby."

I wake up and don't see Toni next to me. I sit up. "Toni?" I call out. Nothing. I get up and go into the bathroom. "Toni?" Nothing. I go downstairs and see her at the kitchen table on her laptop holding Jessica in her arms. "You should be sound asleep." I whisper. She looks at me. "I couldn't sleep." She says grabbing her coffee and drinking it. "Wonder why." I say quietly. She looks at me. I sit down next to her. "She freaked out because she wasn't used to this place so I brought her down here and she fell asleep in my arms." She explains. "We can talk later, I don't want her to hear." I nod. "Do you want something to eat?" I ask quietly. "No, I already made myself some toast." I smile. "Ok." I whisper.

"You have a plan?" I ask quietly. "No." Toni says quietly lying down next to me. "How about you go back to school?" She looks at me. "No!" She says quietly. "I need to take care of Jess, I don't have time for school Cheryl!" She tells me. "Yeah, but she's at school the same time you would be!" I say quietly. "I go to work to pay for rent, water, heat! Food!" She says sitting up. "I work my ass off to make sure she has a roof over her head and food on the table! I don't have time for school!" She says pissed. "I barely have time for you." She says quietly. "You should know this by now." She whispers. "I'm sorry, I forget." I say quietly. "Well, try better to remember next time!" She says getting up. "I need to clear my head." She whispers walking out. I take a deep breath.

Toni walks into the bedroom. "I'm sorry."
She says quietly. "I'm just stressed. You don't deserve to have that let out on you." She says walking over to me. "I don't know what to do! I feel like I'm in free fall and I can't stop." She says holding back tears. I sit up and go closer to her. "Toni..." I cup her cheeks. She shakes her head and starts crying into me. "Is Jess ok?" She ask sitting up. "Go lie down, I'll check on her for you. Ok?" She nods and lies down. I kiss her cheek and walk out. I go into Jason's room where Jess is sleeping. I open the door slowly and she's sound asleep. I take a deep breath and go back into the bedroom. I look at Toni who's calmed down. "Go to sleep baby." I whisper stroking her hair. She rolls into her side. "Can you turn on the tv? I need the background noise." She ask quietly. "Of course." I say quietly. "What do you want to have in the background?" I ask her. "I don't care, whatever you want." She says quietly. I nod. "Anything?" She nods smiling a bit. "Yes baby, anything."


I walk up to the trailer and see an eviction notice. "Already? I've been gone for a week!" I whisper taking it and walking in. "Who is it?" Mom ask. "Why aren't you paying the bills?" I ask. "Because you do!" She says as I walk into her bedroom. "I don't live here anymore." I say quietly. "Also, you're supposed to be the person who pays the bills and shit." I add. "I shouldn't be paying for you to live here and I'm not anymore, have fun with this eviction notice! I'm gonna take ownership of Jessica and you can't stop me." I tell her. "Have fun with that information. I'll see you later."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum