I got out of the room and dialed Liam's number. It was probably 3am in LA now but I've missed him. I waited for him to answer but it went to his voice mail.

Please leave your message after the tone, "Liam, I've missed you," and that was all I left for him.


Dylan and I were in an ice-cream parlor. For some reason, Lucy didn't want to follow and I don't understand why. I had convinced the nurses to let Dylan out for the day as to not let him throw any tantrums anymore and I were to be responsible if anything happens to him.

I had a chocolate chip ice-cream in my bowl while Dylan had his coffee mixed with yam ice-cream. Those has always been his favourite and I never liked them. He scooped a little of the coffee and yam ice-cream before bringing it close to my mouth. I dropped my spoon and closed my mouth with both of my hands before shaking my head vigorously.

"Please....it's pretty nice, I promised," Dylan said as he put on his puppy look.

Regretfully, I opened my mouth. Dylan smiled in victory and I made weird faces as I swallowed the ice-cream that he had made me eat. The coffee ice-cream wasn't that bad but a combination with yam is eww no no.

"Where do you wanna go after this?" he asked, still giggling from the stupid faces I made.

I rolled my eyes. "Where do you wanna go? I'm fine with anything, but we have to be back by 5pm," I told him as I glanced at the time on my phone which proudly said 2pm.

"Erm, why don't we walked around and just shop? Then we can have early dinner before we go back," he suggested.

I nodded in agreement. After we had ice-creams, we walked around like Dylan suggested. For the first time, I felt things were wrong but right at the same time. Dylan and I held hands wherever we go and sometimes he would draped his arms around my shoulder while my arms will automatically went to his waist. If anyone were to be at fault, that should be me. Dylan didn't know that I already had Liam as a boyfriend.

We finished our 'outing' at the first restaurant that Dylan and I had gone to for our -canceled- first date before we cabbed back to the hospital. I felt Dylan and I were like couple once again. It felt wrong because Liam was my boyfriend and he wasn't around. But it felt quite right when I finally got to feel his arms around me again. Or that would just probably because I missed having Liam or someone around me.

I stayed with Dylan until the visiting hours were over. I went home and to bed straight, didn't bother to check my phone or anything at all.

Liam's P.O.V

I haven't talk to Cora in a week. Someday I was too busy and tired to give her a call and to my surprised she didn't called me back and yelled at me for not calling. But she was probably angry at me for not calling her that she didn't wanna call me.

Last night was a little of disaster. We performed to What Makes You Beautiful and there were some dancers around us. I didn't know that Dani would be there and we actually performed on a same stage, together. We didn't utter any word but once we were done performing, we were ambushed by a few paps. By we, I meant Dani and I.

"How was it performing together when you guys are no longer together?"

"Liam, do you think your girlfriend would be jealous?"

"Are you guys still talking to each other?"

I looked to Dani who was wiping her sweat from dancing and answered professionally to the cameras, "We're good. We wanted to take things maturely and we're just friends now."

All I can say I was really afraid that Cora would get jealous and goes all childishly over it. I grabbed my phone as I still lazed around my bed. The boys were down for breakfast and I didn't feel like grabbing any for that morning. I went to twitter and worried rush through me when there was a few trending topic of 'Liam' and 'Liam's Relationship Ending'.

What the heck? Doesn't mean when I talked to my ex-girlfriend, I'm ending my relationship with my girlfriend. I scrolled further down even though it hurts me to read all these stupid comments. Worst even when they said Cora was cheating on...Wait!

I stopped scrolling when I came across a few pictures of Cora and a guy. Wait, again! That guy, Dylan! They were in some ice-cream shops and Dylan was feeding Cora a spoon of ice-cream. Then another picture, they were holding hands and another when Dylan had his hands draped around Cora's shoulder.

Is that for real?

So the public has this idea that I'm here with Dani and Cora was there with another guy. I started scratching my head and closed my eyes. Is Cora cheating on me? We haven't called and talked to each other, so she would probably be bored and goes back to Dylan? I shut my twitter down. I can't assume anything yet. We will need to talk. Or Cora probably heard about me and Dani here, so she get Dylan to be couply with her again so that she could make me jealous like she had when she saw me and Dani.

As soon as I shut my twitter, I saw a voicemail left. I opened up to Cora's voice, "Liam, I've missed you."

I've missed her too. But, could she just left me that message because she knows that she has been caught with Dylan? I'm starting to doubt her. There are many possible things. We have 1 more week before I can meet her and talked things out.

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