248: The Where They Go To Bed Mad At Each Other

Start from the beginning

I look at Toni. We've been sitting in the car in complete silence. We found out that neither of us could have a get pregnant. "I really thought it would be ok." She says sitting back in the car seat. She looks at me. "I really wanted a kid that's ours, you know?" She ask. "I'm not saying that if we adopt that kid won't be our kid." She says quickly. "It's probably best though." I say breaking my silence. "Well, with my family's Homicidal tendency's and your family's struggles with..." Toni looks at me. "My family's what? Drug abuse? Alcohol abuse? Taking every type of drug except the ones that might help them? Because if so, then, you're not wrong." She says quietly. "Fangs is the only one to get out of that family not completely fucked." She says annoyed. "You're not so bad." I whisper. "I can't have a god damn child Cheryl! That used to be the whole point of being a woman!" We both look at each other and laugh a little. "I really wanted a kid though." She says sadly. "We still can! We just have to now adopt or we somehow conceive one of our friends that they want to have our child!" I say cupping her cheeks. "Since when am I the calm rational one? that's your job!" She smiles a little. "I think I just need some time to process today." She says quietly. "Ok!" I smile sadly. I kiss her. "We'll get through this." She kisses me back. She starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. "Do you want to stop at McDonald's?" She ask quietly. "I'm hungry and don't feel like sitting down at Pops." She adds. "Ok." I nod.

I rub Toni's back. It's been a week and Toni hasn't gotten out of bed in the past 2 days. "Toni." I whisper. "Cher." She looks at me and grabs my arm gently. "I'm gonna go to get ready for the party." I whisper. "If you want to go downstairs, just make sure you get dressed first." She nods. "I don't think I'll be going downstairs." She says quietly. I sigh. "Toni, you're gonna need to get out bed every once in a while, ok?" She looks at me. "I can't." She whispers. "I want to but I feel like there's bricks on top of me weighing me down." She explains. "Last week didn't really help this." I nod. "I was getting here though." She whispers. "Do you think talking to someone might help a bit?" I ask her. "Well, yeah. Everyone needs a therapist." She says quietly. I sigh. "I'll talk to Veronica about it. She might know someone who might be able to help." She nods. "I'd like that." She says smiling a little. "Can I ask you something?" I nod. "How are you so ok?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I say moving some hair out of her face. She looks down. "I thought I would be ok! I don't know what happened." I nod and cup her cheeks. "It's ok!" I whisper. "I'm gonna go downstairs. We can talk later." She nods. "Ok." She whispers. "Can you make sure no one comes up here? I don't want people accidentally walking up here." I nod. "Also, I might get in the shower. If I ever actually get out of bed." She says quietly. "When you're ready." I say getting up. She nods and rolls over. "I might send Fangs up here to check on you if I can't. Ok?" She nods.

Veronica sits down next to me on the couch. "What's up? You've been off this whole time." She ask quietly. "Toni hasn't gotten out of bed in almost 3 days and I don't know what to do." I say quietly. "Did you guys go see a doctor about-." I stop her by nodding. "And?" She ask. I just shake my head. "Neither of us can carry a child! Toni is at high risk of a miscarriage because of childhood cancer and other health stuff because of her father's side of the family! And I'm just infertile!" I explain. "Are you serious?" She ask shocked. I nod. "How are you taking it?" She ask concerned. "I'm still processing it." I say honestly. "I'm more worried about Toni right now." I whisper. "She's depressed and I don't know what to do. I was gonna talk to you about if you maybe knew someone could help." I tell her. She sits up. "I might actually." She says smiling a bit. She pulls out her wallet. "She's a little crazy but, she's good, she helped me an-." I stop her. "We don't need a couples therapist, not right now." She shakes her head. "She has more connections and I usually send my patients to her for more help if it's family stuff. Her name is Dr. Brown." She explains. I nod. She hands me her card. "Give her call!" She says quietly. "She's good. Even if you need to talk as a family about everything." She tells me. "Toni will be ok!" I nod. "I know she usually snaps out of this." She looks at me. "She's always had problems with depression, it's just never gotten this bad." I explain. "Has it gotten worse over time?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah, that's why I'm asking if you know someone."


I roll over to my side and all I hear is some music and talking downstairs. Today is Betty's birthday party and about 3 months ago we decided to have it here. I want to be down there. As much as I don't like Betty she's still Cheryl's cousin and I can at least tolerate her for Cheryl. Luckily there aren't a lot of people there it's just some close friends. There's a knock on the door. "It's me. Cheryl asked me to check on you!" Fangs says. I pull the blanket over me because I sleep shirtless. "Come in." I say quietly. He slowly walks in. "You ok?" He ask quietly. I nod. "Cheryl told me what happened. I thought you knew." I shake my head. "Dad didn't tell me anything when I asked him." I say pissed. "Did you know?" I ask quietly. "Dad has mentioned something about it. I thought he was always talking about mom." He whispers. I sigh. "Do you think mom would have been better if everything didn't happen to me?" I ask quietly. "With cancer?" I nod. "Probably. It's not your fault though. She was never good at handling trauma, she had bipolar and didn't take her medication!" He explains. "Dad didn't really change, he's always been that distant and unaffectionate." He says sadly. "And an alcoholic." I add. "No, that started with you. Again, not your fault." I nod. "Also put a shirt on, I don't feel like starting at your tits." I cover myself more. "Sorry." He nods. "Come downstairs, just a minute." He whispers. "I will." I say quietly. He nods and leaves. I slowly sit up and get out of bed. I go into the shower and well, take one because I haven't in almost 3 days. After I do so I slowly come downstairs, after getting dressed of course. I look at Cheryl and she sees me. I smile a little. I slowly go and sit next to her. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod. I look at her. "I really need help." I confess. She nods. "I talked to Veronica about it, she recommended us someone who could help." I nod. "She doesn't mean a couples therapist right?" She shakes her head. "No, but we might need that." I look at her confused. "We both just went through something we're bound to start screaming at each other every night." I look at her. "True. Especially with us." I nod. She looks at me. "You don't have to stay down here." I look at her. "I'm hungry so I'll stay for cake and leave." She nods. "I really thought one of us would be able to get pregnant." I say quietly. "I... I just thought like, I thought I would be ok! I don't know why!" I whisper. "I'm not!" I add. "I really need to talk to someone." She nods. "I'll make sure that happens." She smiles sadly.

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