Chapter 39- I don't trust you anymore.

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I am backkk! Yeah, sorry was a bit late.
But I promise it was not my fault this time. I had this chapter ready but was facing some technical issues since some days so had to extend a bit.

Forgive me people?

Last chapter was a cliffhanger, if you forgot, Enter Heather in the story , a very close friend of Ryan and she called Rose some bad names to which Ryan did not say anything. Now Rose is angry and jealous. Continue the journey!

Here's to emmeline4ever and Shumailashaikh_06for their love❤❤

Listen to - Halo by Beyonce


The second the door was shut, I drew in a loud breath. Pressing myself to it, I put my ear as if to listen to any noises made. I was beyond furious and I would be damned if I let that jerk in my room .

His room.. But whatever.

And then came a very silent knock. And then another and I was so glad that he did not start slamming the door loudly or else it would surely draw attention in the mansion.
"Rose.. Look, please open the door. I get it that you are beyond furious. But give me a chance to explain. Please." There came his low melodic voice that draws me in everytime. I scoffed. As if.

" Hey, I just need you to open the door. Please. I promise you won't regret it. I just need a chance to explain myself. Dont overthink, please. It's nothing that you are thinking about. I-"
He did not get a chance to say anything because the door was abruptly opened by me. Ryan! Ryan! Ryan! What the hell are you doing to me?

There was a huge breath of relief from him and I fearlessly glared at him. There was a nervous smile on his face and he let himself in. How can he be so calm after the shit he had pulled up? How the hell? Every piece of me is breaking right now and it just feels so normal to him. Like it's nothing. Are my emotions nothing? Can't he actually see how much hurt I am? He is literally impossible.

And just like that, my eyes were filled with unshed tears all because of those emotions I keep on experiencing because of Ryan. But my self respect was way too important. 'I cannot cry in front of him. 'I surely don't need his pity and his condolences.' Turning my back against him, I closed my eyes fiercely and drew a sharp breath. With a single tear falling down, I knew I would not control myself and I desperately needed to get out of there, keeping a distance of a hundred metres from him .

"Please don't be upset, Roza, listen, I can explain every single thing happened downstairs honestly. I promise. Just hear me out, once? " There was a trembling shake in his voice and it gave me satisfaction that atleast I, alone am not suffering.

I could hear his foot steps drawing closer to my back. No, Ryan can't see my crying. He already is my weakness. Letting him know that he is one will be a huge insecurity for me. I felt his arm brush lightly on my hand and goosebumps arose. "I met Heather after two months I came here. We started-Holy fuck you are crying? " His arms hyperventilatingly caught my face and his eyeballs widened. My chest clenched.

"Stop crying, baby? Please? I know that I upset you but there is literally nothing to cry about. Oh fuck, why would you cry because of something so insignificant? I swear to God. -" He forced me to sit on the bed and his right hand were tightly fitted with my fingers clutching them tight my and with every drop of tear falling from my eyes, the hold on my hands grew even more tight. His eyes were furrowed and he looked so distressed , repeatedly wiping my tears softly nad tenderly. I wish he was this tender to me while in front of Heather.
"Hey, hey, look at me." Turning my head towards him with his own, he whispered to me. His eyes were almost shady. "Look right into my eyes. I know, I know I screwed up big time, I know the things that you have heard are enough to make you doubt me. But please, listen to me. It's nothing like that. "

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