Chapter 44- "Be safe."

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Hello everyone. How are y'all?

Here's the new one and listen to
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift.


"Okay, your shirts, jeans, ray Ban glasses, some snacks, everything is almost packed. Oh, yeah, here's your charger. "

Ryan, in his jeans and tight t shirt that bulged his biceps and a jacket, zipped his travelling bag and stood up sighing. It's a little unusual to see him in anything except for shirts after so long.

"Done. I don't think I need anything else. Wait, where's my mobile phone? "

He was buzy searching for it everywhere when I realised it was just besides me on the bed. "Wait, Ryan, here it is-"

But before I could say anything, I saw a notification popping up on his phone by someone named Stacy.

Last night was amazing. I am ready for another round. <3

"What the actual fuck is this, Ryan? "
I was on the verge of throwing the phone out of the window and Ryan along with it. He narrowed his eyes, looking confused and then he saw the message and started laughing, the crease on his forehead disappearing.

"Oh, jesus. It isn't what it looks like, Roza. It's a code word. "

"A code word? "

"Yeah, important messages usually have sentences in code words so even if by chance, the enemies hack into our devices, our secret information can not be leaked. This message means she is ready for us to go, as in she has done all the preparations I told her last night. These guys, they decided to keep sexual innuendos as code sentences. Oh, god. I have to admit, your face was funny. " And he pinched my cheeks while I slammed my head with my hand.

"You guys are shitty. I was scared for a second. Like, my heart stopped beating."

Ryan laughed and gave my palm a kiss. "Someone jealous?" Haha, as if!

I slapped his chest but it didn't affect him even a little bit. Instead, he caught hold of my hand and twisted it to my back locking me between his body and the wall. "Let go of me, Ryan. " Frustratingly, I tried to escape his hold but I can't even expect him to budge a little.

"Why is it that it's always me who makes a fool out of herself and never you? "
"Because I am just so smart? Come on, that's obvious. " He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Shut up. And please just get a haircut. I can't even look at your eyes because of the hair that's been literally all over your face. " I said in fake repulse.

"What? I thought you liked this boyish look. Shit, I do need to get a haircut real quick. Come on, I need to look like a Macho Mafia Leader who can't get walked on. You're right." He walked away from me, packing everything in his bag while I stood there watching his back, contemplating whether to confront him about the thing running around my mind or not.

But before I could even think-

"Okay, spill it. Whatever it is. "

I gave him a surprised look.

"What are you talking about? "

"I know there's something you want to say that you are shoving down your throat right now because you are overthinking a lot. Just say it. What's it about? " He asked me gently as I sat on the bed facing him.

"Okay, one. I'll be honest. I-I really don't like this feeling I'm getting. I don't want to but I feel as if it won't be safe once you're gone. You all are gone. It's mafia. Oh god, it sounds even more crazy. I have been digesting it all but-"

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