Chapter 5-Kidnapped

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I knew it was only him who gave me the same kind of feeling which I had just now. The tingles I felt in my stomach were very familiar. I looked around to see who brushed his hand against mine. But no one? I was so surrounded by people that I couldn't even see that person

Was he here?

What was he doing in Mexico?

Did he really knew I was here?

A thousand questions erupted in my mind. I felt so giddy after that touch. Desire came out from my heart to see him, to touch him, to tell him I forgive him and to tie him with handcuffs or ropes so he would never ever leave me. Ryan, where the hell are you?

Shut up Rose, are you so weak? You want to forgive him for all the pain he gave to you and just be with him after he has done to you? Be strong.

Yes. I cannot be weak. Though from deep inside, I want to see him, I know I will never ever accept his apologies even if he comes here out of blue.

Then, I decided to roam again in the city. I no longer had a wish to go again to my hotel where I would do just nothing and start dreaming about him. I wanted a distraction. I wanted to live today. Then I took a decision which of course I would regret later.

I'll drink today.

Yes, I want nothing but to leave his thoughts and memories. He is no longer a part of my life. He is a past. I have to move on from my past.

With that in my mind, I took a step towards the road. I wanted a club first.

Nah, you cannot go to the club Rose. Who will drop you to your hotel if you are not in your senses? Do you even have enough money to pay for a club? ?And there's no fun in the club without anyone. Actually without him.

So, I decided to buy a bottle of beer from a shop. This would also not cost me much.

So, searching for a shop, I got to see one after walking for 15 minutes.

It was not a brand new one. But at least had many types of beer bottles there.

Don't do it rose, you will not like it afterwards, my inner voice said

Not at all, no one can stop me today from being a sober. I started walking towards the shop.

"Excuse me, I want a vodka bottle. How much does it cost? "

"30 peso. "

What. That's so expensive

"I'm sorry I want only one"

"I'm telling about one bottle of vodka dear" He replied coldly.
Stupid Rose

I cannot take this.

But I will take it.

Giving 25 peso, I took the bottle and started walking towards my hotel.

Just as I started walking, raindrops started falling on my cheek. I walked faster and faster until I reached my hotel. Till then, I was full soaked and wet with cold water. God, I'm going to have cold. I reached the receptionist and gave my room no. And asked for the key.

"Sorry for inconvenience mam, but your room is getting cleaned. If you could just wait here for some minutes so that we get it cleaned faster? "

"No problem" I gave her an asduring smile that I don't mind.

She offered me a seat besides hers. I took it gratefully.

As I stared at the bottle besides me, I thought for a moment

Why to wait so long? Drink it now rose.

With that in my mind, I started drinking the bottle till the last.

The vodka burned my throat but who cares. I started feeling too dizzy as I took support of the coach. I wanted to sleep. I was so engrossed in my vodka that I did not even realized that the receptionist wasn't here. Maybe she had some work.

Just then, all the lights went off. I started looking for someone but to no avail. What kind of facilities does this hotel even have?

I took a deep breath and saw no one around me. I wanted to stand but vodka overpowered me.

Just then I heard footsteps ofsomeone approaching me.

"She's here" I heard a deep voice say.

No.. Who's here for me?

"Take her. " Another one said.

"Who's there? What are you doing? " I heard myself say.

Who are they. I am a stranger to a city like Mexico. What are these people gonna do with me?

"Don't worry, honey. Someone's gonna have fun with you" These were the last words I heard as I felt a cloth on my nose.

I felt 2 arms grabbung me as felt weak when suddenly darkness overpowered my eyes....

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