Chapter 46- Helpless

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~Helpless/ unable to defend oneself or to act without help.

Hello everyone!
Here's another just like I promised.

Listen to Deja by Olivia Rodrigo

Joe's POV

Never in those four years of knowing Ryan, I've seen him this angry. He looked like a wild animal.

He was full of rage.

His knuckles were tight around the steering wheel, driving car like a fucking space craft and I just hope we reached without killing ourselves on the way. But then what Ryan told us got me into senses.
That fucker intruded into our land and took my best friend away right under our nose. I swear to God, if I have him in my hands, I'll twist his neck and-

Yeah, but Ryan would probably shoot Alexander dead before he could even blink. Or if not Ryan, Evan would surely because just like Ryan, he looked ravenous.

He was talking furiously on the phone with some gang members, ordering them to check up on the mansion to make sure the other girls are atleast safe and ask them for more information on where Alexander took Rose.

"Are they alright? They aren't there? Check the entire mansion, you assholes! They must be somewhere. Alexander wouldn't take all the girls, and he surely wouldn't want more problems on his plate. "

Oh, god. Someone calm him down. He almost has tears in his eyes and as none of the girls are answering their phones, it is leaving him helpless.

As much as I am worried about Rose, I just hope Bonnie and others are safe too. Because the last thing we want is more danger.

Oh, God. Bonnie.

Not the right time, Joe.

"Ryan, maybe.. You should.. slow down a little? It's really dangerous and we need to reach safely. " I applaud Tedd for his bravery to talk to Ryan at this moment because he doesn't know Ryan is so little close to kill anyone at this moment.

As expected, Ryan didn't even listen to him.

"Boss, please. The speed you're driving the car, it's fatal and-"

"Do not tell me what I have to do, you understand, Sanderson? " Ryan's eyes we're bloodshot red. Full of anger and a thirst to avenge. I saw Tedd look at Ryan's murderous face, something he hasn't seen ever and gulped like a small child.

There's one thing you need to know about Ryan. There's only one thing he gives a fuck about in this world and that is Rose's safety. He doesn't care if the entire Earth goes into ashes, as long as she is safe. And if anyone comes between that, he'll have to face the consequences.

I haven't seen this side of Ryan since a year. The last time he was this angry was when some random guys bullied Rose but it was nothing compared to this.

Alexander has made a mistake.

A grave mistake.

He poked a sleeping giant and now Ryan's got his bad side. There's nothing stopping him to go after blood. Not even Rose.

Now that I look at it, he's always had mafia temper and genes in him, it was just hard to notice.
He cares so much for Rose but that would be an understatement of the century.

But surely, he isn't the only one who does. I can see Noah in the passenger seat completely worried and anxious. He is making some calls as instructed by Ryan to his secretary. "Ask her where the fuck is Heather. Tell her to assemble all the women of all the mansions and go look for Heather, find her and kill her that very second. "

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