Chapter 4- Welcome to Mexico

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"Game on"

With that we started our game. I was totally nervous at that moment. How can I even pester these people when I can't say a single sentence to a stranger without stuttering?

But unlike me, this so-called Ronnie guy was already starting his work. I waited for him to take a move. He gave me a cute grin before moving his attention to a guy besides him. This guy was buzy on his mobile maybe chatting with his girlfriend unaware of the things waiting for him.

Atleast he is someone's boyfriend...

Leave it Rose, live your moment...

"Hey, buddy you look hot" Ronnie started..

I couldnt believe myself. Did he seriously say him hot... Is he a ....

The guy's face was bored showing just-go-find-your-hotty-guy-somewhere-else face. Expected

But Ronnie did not stop

"Well, actually you know You look way too sexy and I wouldn't mind you kissing me.. For which you know I'm a gay-"

With that the boy rose up from his seat. Shock stuck on his face as he started stumbling

"Wa-wait...I-I'm not a gay. Go kiss someone else. If my girlfriend knew about this, she will kill me.

I just couldn't stop myself from laughing. But I did. Cheers to me!! I pressed my lips into a thin line just hoping it wouldn't burst up.

By the look on Ronnie's face, I knew he was enjoying this way too much.. well, being Ronnie, he continued his flirting as he took his hand.. I don't even know his name. We can call him gay-hater boy or scared-of-girlfriend guy.. whatever

"Come on baby play with me, my love. I waited for only you.."

" Ex-cuse me mam, where's the washroom? Can I-I use it?"

"Sure sir" a blonde air hostess replied. And with that he stomped towards washroom.

As he went out of my sight, I couldn't help but burst into laughing. My stomach was aching so bad and I really needed to stop or else I would have cramps. Ronnie, besides me also started laughing hard holding his stomach with his hands.

And then I realized something. I m laughing for the first time since months. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy his company. But can I still continue laughing after everything happened to me?

Can I still live my life happily after every single stab to my heart? Can I still fill my holes in my heart by moving on?

I got out of my thinking as I saw Ronnie moving his hands in air in front of me calling my name.
"You were spacing out?"

"Yeahh, i'm here"

"Did you enjoy it? Ofcourse i see it on your face but you know what, that smile really suits you. You can leave your I-am -woman-with-no-smile attitude and start something you. I dont know the reason why are you so much like a statue but live your life, you'll enjoy it"

I couldn't believe it. His words reminded me of someone... him.


I started running around my house as I saw Ryan chasing me . Today, I really pissed him off by adding peanuts in his cake. He knew that I knew there were peanuts in the cake. He knew that I knew I did it purposely and he knew that I knew I will regret this.

But his face was worth seeing that time when he tasted peanuts. As if he ate mud..

"Rose, I swear I will not leave you. Better you come back to me."

But I kept on running hard. Ofcourse I love challenges.


I reached my bedroom and tried to close door behind me but too late. He kept his foot in between.

Fabulous Rose..

"I told you you will regret it baby."

Before I could do anything, he caught hold of me and pushed me on the bed.
"Told you so"

"Ryan I'm sorry. I swear i will not do anything"

"Too late for apologies."

With that he started tickling me very hard. Kill me for being a ticklish.

*Flashback over*

"You're spacing out again"

"No, I was just thinking about that guy in bathroom" I lied

" Loved it? "

,.................... ................................................

I loved my whole journey with him.. he was really a good company. We talked about random things and laughed at those who told us to keep quiet.We were so engrossed in it that I couldnt even keep track of time and realise I was reaching Mexico


After reaching the airport,Ronnie smiled at me.

"You know, I loved talking to you. He said truthfully"

"Likewise" I beamed at him.

" Wanna meet somewhere else afyerwards?"

" Ofcourse yes. I'll tell you. For now,I need to go"

" 'kay. "

After exchanging numbers, I bid him farewell.

I got into a car my boss provided for me and went to my hotel

I really wasn't exhausted at all. But i felt refreshing. Thanks to Ronnie.

For the first time, I felt wandering in the shops. I did nt know what's wrong with me but I wanted to roam around.

Taking my mobile, purse and my scarf, i exited my hotel and started with the street shops.

Eveything was fabulous but pity on my financial condition, I could take just one pair of jeans and a shirt for me at low price after persuading him for long.

I was just going to return to my hotel when I heard sounds in the end of the streets. Curiousity erupted inside my stomach as I headed there.

I saw people shouting as a man was playing a show .
He could handle his legs on a rope with no support?? Amazing.

Then I realized I myself was trapped around people. I started pushing my way through them just them my hand brushed on something soft and cozy...

Tinkles erupted as I realized only one person can make me feel like this..



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