Waffles please!

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Hey guys. Here's another one. I hope you like it.

Listen to Teardrops on my guitar by Taylor Swift


He neither said a word next morning nor did he force me about my dream and I was gladly relieved at that point. But I knew I would NEVER EVER tell him my secret even if I will have to fight with him every single day. I just could not let that thing haunt me again and Ryan hadn't deserved the truth.

More importantly, I was not sure because I knew the second everyone knows it, they will feel disgusted about me. And I will never let that happen. Already people have ill- treated me and when after months, I am getting the same home feeling, I cannot lose that.

When I woke up in the morning, he already had showered and was ready .

Blue shirt and black jeans.

Always his favorite combination.

I noticed he was sitting on the couch he slept on.
I wonder how he even had sleep on the couch because he never used to get enough sleep without his bed. Once he had to sleep on the sofa at my house, the next day he was a complete mess with deep dark circles and a restless face. I felt so bad for him the next day....

I looked at him again.

His hair was still somewhat damp due to shower and was sipping coffee while reading a magazine.
He too felt someone's eyes on him and turned to catch me staring at him again.

Now again I am checking him out.

Damn him for being so hot and damn me for not keeping my hormones in control.
But he did not make any comment. He reamined silent until he spoke-

" I have your bag ,your purse, and your materials on the table. Thought you will need them. My men brought it back from the room of your hotel. "
He said quiety.

"Thank you so much." I whispered. He just gave me a small nod and went in the bathroom. Weird. He did not even say a word.

I quickly got up and scrambled through my belongings glad they hadn't been lost. I already have minimal things with me.And the I realized something-

I was wondering last night why was I having the dreams again after even taking a medication. The pills. Yes. I used to take it every weekend in California because the doctor there said I was suffering from insomnia and depression but I guess I missed one dose and that led to exhaustion and how my body became so restless. Especially after going through all of this trauma. That was the bloody stupid reason I had that dream again.

Ugh. How can I be so stupid. But now, I think I will manage it without  the notice of Ryan. Once he sees me taking sleeping pills he would bombard me with hundred of questions and that would eventually lead to the dream topic.

So..... The moral of the story, Ryan should not know about my sleeping pills.

I took my purse out and started searching for it but I couldn't find. I was very very sure I had kept it here but Where the fuck are they?

And then the I jumped so hard when I heard Ryan speak behind me all of a sudden.

And the words which made me jump- " Looking for these? "

I turned to see Ryan standing outside the bathroom with the pills on one hand. My eyes automatically widened.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why the hell does this happen to me every time, god?

Remember I said thank you to you yesterday night, just to inform you I am taking that thank you back. You understand, god? I will never ever be grateful to you.

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