Carter Brothers- II

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Bam everyone! I know I was to update after two months, but couldn't stop myself. 😂
This one is really really very interesting. And let's come to a serious mode.

Listen to 'A thousand years' by Christina Perri.

Taking a deep breath I opened the car door and entered in the car without speaking a word. I guess he needed his peace and silence.

He started the car and we drove on the silent streets with complete silence.
I could literally feel the tickling of his jaw and the clenching of his fists and the stomping of his feet... And.. What not.

I took a look on his face sidewards and immediately regretted it. He looked ravenious. His eyes were completely glossy and the grip he had on the steering wheel made me worried that he would cause an accident.

He still needed to join the pieces together. Meeting your brother after so many years who hates you completely .. The reality hit his head with a brick real bad.
It was all my fault. It always has been my fault. If I wouldn't have persuaded him to come with me, our day would be spent completely normal without experiencing this roller coaster of emotions. I guess I should keep my distance from him from now onwards because it literally pains me to see him in this state because of me.

" Don't blame yourself. You had nothing to do with this. Karma hits you hard. Dammit. " He said in a low voice.

Did I say it too loud?

" Nah, I know you were rambling continuously in your mind about this. One look on your face is enough to know what you are thinking. "

Wow, I never knew I was that transparent. I guess he just knows me very well.

" And I guess I too know what is going on in your mind. " I stayed

" Oh really? What is it? " He quirked his eyebrow emotionlessly.

" Well, which sexy, hot supermodel are you thinking about now to distract yourself? "

He laughed lightly.

Thank god, he is at ease.

" Well, I was thinking about that blonde who was on the television yesterday, you remember? When she sucked the guy's throat and her hand went inside his pants-. " He cracked a small grin.

" Noah don't you dare complete that sentence. I will literally cut off all of your limbs in your body and cut it into thousands of pieces and feed it to those hungry stray dogs. " I warned him.

" Abusive women. " He muttered smiling

" Egoistic , dirty minded perverts. " I came up with immediate comebacks

And he burst into big fit of laughter.

" And here I thought it was my last day on this planet. " I huffed.

" Why? "

" I nearly thought you would meet an accident the way you were driving so roughly. "

He did not say a word. The air grew tense again. Oh god, his moodswings are a damn to handle.

" Noah, are you still okay? I understand you need some time to digest everything. Honestly, who am I to come between you two? It is really okay if you want to not talk with me okay. Of course, you are upset and angry at me to bring you here so it is really no problem if you just take out all the anger on me and tell me to fuck off okay? Look, i am really sorr-"

" Cupcaaaaakeee" He cut me off with a huge scream.

" Uh.. What? "

" Breathe. In and out. Inhale exhale. Normal? " He asked me.

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