Chapter 45- Gut feeling

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~Gut feeling/ an instinctive feeling, as opposed to an opinion based on facts.

Hello everyone! I'm so happy to update again after a long time.
Andddd this chapter has something exciting too. Which. Will. Make. You. Scream. Yayyy

Listen to 'Ronan' by TS because it's my current favorite. 👉👈🥺


As soon as the guys left, the girls went wild and started enjoying this rare moment where they could have complete freedom with no man to monitor them.
In simple words, they became wild.
Yeah, and by wild, I really mean wild.

There were champagne bottles removed out of their hiding space,which I'm sure not a single man living here approve and snacks were settled with speakers loud enough to make someone deaf.

Yay, totally fun, I tell you. I can literally feel Ryan's disappointing eyes looking down at me.

Wait, who the hell cares about what he thinks. I've had enough stress in my life to deserve a peaceful day with my wild girls.

Kate adjusted the beat and the celebration had begun with the plans of what exactly will we be doing in these thirty six wholesome independent hours.

We went crazy and I had the best time of my life. It felt so good, so nostalgic to be surrounded with people who care about you. Ella was drunk beyond any state and I feared Evan would call anytime and we would be busted.

I was the only sober one, who could move on my feet without smashing my head to anything.

So far, face spas, a drive around the forests, watching a recent movie in the theatre had been listed on our to-dos and we had ticked off the first. It was already dawn when all of us gathered around the sofa completely exhausted.

All of us settled and started talking.

"Wait, no, please. Adrian is way more hot than Jeremy, Kate. How could you ignore those beautiful curls and green eyes? Ah, I'm sold." Caroline exclaimed and all of us laughed.

Wait, isn't she together with Ethan?

"I totally agree with you, my lady. Even though Jeremy is a giant, he can't pull of his dimples like him." Ella was favouring Care's side and yup, this shows how much wasted she and everyone is.

We were having a discussion about who was the hottest man of the week here in the mafia and so far, all votes go to this so-called Adrian. I can't engage in the conversation because I have no idea what they are speaking about.

Just then Bonnie noticed my confused face and laughed. "Guys, let's change the topics. Our poor Rose is completely out of the loop."

"But even if she knew,for all we know, she has her eyes only for a particular someone."

Yeah, thanks, but no. I'm not that blindsided by my love with Ryan that I won't even stalk Harry Styles.

Harry Styles is God. Period.

"Can we change the subject, please? " I pleaded them because I was getting all the states and it made me a little nervous.

"Oh, guys. What do you think about Heather? One of my friends just messaged me she saw her talking with some people who landed on a helicopter a little far away from the mafia grounds. Is she doing something secretive? "

That peaked my interest.

"Oh maybe that is nothing. I heard rumours flying that she buys some expensive drugs for herself from some shady gang. Maybe they are them."

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