Chapter 48- Closure

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"Hey, Princess. "

"Hey, Brother. " I greeted Evan as he walked through the hospital room with flowers in his hand.

"These are for me? " I eyed the beautiful bouquet of lilies and immediately, my morning was a lot more better.

Lilies have been one of my favorite flowers since I was a kid when Evan used to run two miles away from home to one of my favorite flower gardens and get me those whenever something bad happened with me because of my parents or when I would not score good in an assignment or whatever it was. He couldn't support me and protect me when we were small as dad would slap him if he ever defended me. So he always found other things to comfort me with.

Evan handed me the flowers and I inhaled the sweet fragrance.

Immediately, everything seemed to calm down around me and the stress of last two hours I spent overthinking about what happened yesterday started to vanish. After a swift kiss on my head, he pulled up a chair besides me and frowned at the six feet something cuddling bear snuggled up besides me.


"Is he okay? And why is he all over your lap and chest? Seriously, Ryan needs to understand the term ' private space'. "

I laughed and ran my hands through Ryan's soft hair. He had been sleeping like dead while I had been staring at him like a hawk since last hour. "I think he is pretty tired since yesterday. Cut him some slack, Evan, let him have some rest."

I smiled at my brother and he squeezed my hand in comfort. "I am not going to talk or ask about yesterday, if you are wondering at all. I just want to do something to make you forget that memory and be happy again. And you know I am always there for you, seriously. You are my number one priority in the world, of course along with your dumb best friend, but you get the memo. "

Yeah I do, Brother. I love you so much.

He passed me some chocolates and chips and I took it gratefully. And then something caught my eye.
"Your- your shirt, isn't this the one I put my rights on with all legal laws and warned you that I'll file a case against you if you ever touch it? " I narrowed my eyes at him while he gave me a you-are-unbelievable look.

"May I remind you I was the one who bought it for myself and you were the one who stole it? Talk about standards, Princess. You are such a liar. A cheap. A thief. "

"What the fuck are you talking about? My standards are way more better than yours. "

"Haha, and I am Justin Bieber. Shut your mouth-"

"Oh god, please zip up these siblings' mouth. They can start anywhere, anytime. " Suddenly, Ryan grumbled and woke up, rubbing his hand over his handsome face.

Evan talked to me about random things while Ryan tried to sleep on me again. I swatted his head.

"Okay, I'm gonna leave you two love birds alone.  I have to run for an errand. Ryan, I had a lovely chat with the doctor. I need to talk to you about something important. In two hours, I'll be there in your office. " Evan looked at Ryan with a grimmed neutral expression and I frowned.

"Take care, princess. " He kissed my hand and closed the door behind him.

"Such an ass. Goes on ordering me! The audacity." Ryan muttered rolling his eyes.

I nudged him with my elbow. "Be nice, he is my brother." "That's the reason my fist is not on his face." I face palmed while he smirked.

"Hey." He greeted me with a small smile.

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