Choice A) (Kid Ending)

Start from the beginning

"Kid, I-"

"Nononono, let me finish."

He had turned towards you, but his eyes were still fixed firmly on the ground.

"And I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really like you? And I know that you like Penny, but I just wanted to tell you, and now I've made everything really awkward."


"You don't need to say anything. I know you don't like me. It's fine, but please, please still be my friend."

"Kid, you absolute idiot, of course I'm still your friend."

Now Kid looked up at you.

"Penny is great. She's my best friend, and an amazing person, but no, I don't like her that way."

"But you guys were always hanging out, I just thought-"

"That's a thing that friends do, Kid."

You said patiently. Kid faltered.

"Well yeah, but I just kind of assumed that, um..."

You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, no."


Kid's POV

He wasn't quite sure what to do now. Not only were you giving him a weird look, but the butterflies that seemed ever present when he was around you were starting to suffocate him.

"Kid, listen."

Ah yes, this was the part he wasn't prepared for. The inevitable rejection, and the silence that would follow.

"You are one of the best people I know. You're funny, and you listen to what I have to say, and you have good taste in frozen yogurt..."

You took a breath.


"I'm just kind of surprised that you told me first."

Kid paused.


"W-what do you mean, first?"

"Well, I just always kind of thought that I'd tell you I liked you first, because of that tough guy front you always have up. I'm pleasantly surprised."

You joked. Kid's thoughts felt like they were drifting through honey.

Does (Y/N) like me?

"I-um-do you-?"

Kid stuttered, mentally facepalming at his social ineptitude. 

"Like you? Yes."

Now this was a twist he hadn't expected. He'd planned out what he'd say to you when you rejected him, scrambling to maintain the friendship, but he'd never actually thought about what he'd do if you actually liked him back.

A grave oversight, he was now starting to realize.

"You know, this is typically the part where you say something."

You said jokingly, but your face was etched with worry.

"I-yeah, well, I just-I'm surprised, is all."

He offered. 

Your POV

"Surprised, eh? Why?"

See, now you were worried. Was this supposed to be some kind of joke that you accidentally took too seriously?

"I guess I just didn't think you'd like someone like me."

He explained.


This poor boy was all shades of red, but you weren't going to budge on this one. He can't just go around telling people he has a crush on them, and then not explaining.

"Well, I mean, you had all these other options.....I mean, Felix is super rich-"

"Woah woah woah."

You interrupted, throwing your hands up.

"You thought I liked Felix?"

"I, well um....yeah, kinda."

You barked a surprised laugh.

"Oh god, how low do you think my standards are?"

Kid gave you a lopsided kind of smile.


After a short pause between you, Kid spoke up.

"Um, weird question."

"Dude, nothing seems weird anymore. Hit me."

"Can you hug me?"

You were slightly taken aback. 

"I-oh, um, sure."

You opened your arms, and he crawled over, throwing his arms around you.

You returned the hug, closing your eyes.

Neither of you even noticed the yellow letters that had appeared over your head.

(Y/N) mission complete.

Suddenly, as if it had shocked you, you remembered something.

"Kid, we have to go."

You said. Kid curled in a little closer to you.

"Not yet. Five minutes."

He mumbled into your shoulder.

"No. Not five minutes. Remember when Mr Huxley said that the building was collapsing on those monsters? And the goo and machinery we can assume was down there to keep the monsters trapped?"

Kid jumped up, pulling you to your feet as well. He tore off into a run, towards the front of the house, and towards the exit to the Huxley property. You were about to follow him, before remembering Mr Huxley, still desperately trying to drag himself away.

"You have got  to be kidding me."

You snapped, running back towards the man.

You slung his arm around your shoulder, desperately trying to drag him away. After a few steps, it became abundantly clear that he was far to heavy for you to carry.

Summoning the remainder of your strength, you continued dragging him away from the building.


He croaked. You felt a stab of pity for him, before shoving that down and continuing your voyage.

You turned to look back at the building, now about 10 meters away from you.

Right in time to see the building turn into a fireball, and a piece of shrapnel come flying at your eye. 

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now