"Don't worry, momma. Aoran takes care of me." I said.

We talked about how I reached NYC. She gave me all the instructions to follow for in my second trimester. She looked happy to talk to me and couldn't stop smiling whenever I told her about my boyfriend. "I love him so much, momma." I told her.

"And what about him?" She asked.

That made my heart thump for a moment. I didn't know about him. Probably he didn't! It just washed away the smile on my lips. I looked up to see my momma and smiled, "What kind of question it is, momma? Of course! He does."

She just shook her head with a small smile on her lips. "I had told you right that I saw a mansion here which resembled our dream house?" I asked and she nodded.

"It's Aoran's, momma! Wait, I'll show you." I said and quickly went out of the mansion. I showed her the entire mansion and then gave her a tour of it. It was quite surprising for me because I myself hadn't explored it before and I knew everything about it.

"You see, it's same." I told her and she just looked at it with shock. I knew she had the same question.

"That must be a coincidence." She said covering up the shock in her tone.

I shook my head. "Coincidence. You mean, the engineer who drew the map for this mansion had same imagination as that of mine?" I asked. "That's impossible, momma!" I told her.

"So, what are you implying?" She asked with a frown.

I looked at her for long as my eyes landed on the portrait in front of me. I gulped a thick lump in my throat and looked at momma. "You said I have been saying I'm Erin Williams since long, right?"

The frown on her forehead deepened as she looked at me in bewilderment. "God! Ursa! Your medicines." She almost yelled. "Didn't you go to that psychiatrist I recommended?" She scolded. I did go there but I didn't take the medicines.

"Momma, please. Answer me." She shook her head in despair and nodded. "Yes, you say it sometimes."

"Since when?" I asked.

She shifted on her place and looked at me with a frown. "Long back. I don't even remember. Maybe since eleven years ago." She said.

Eleven years ago? I was eight then. In no fucking way!

"What happened?" She asked. I knew I could share all the things with her and I did, "I had dreams since long back. I had dreams about Aoran's daughter, Hazel since quite long, momma. It's weird since we met few months ago." I said.

She looked at me in worry. I knew she was going to be really bothered about me.

"I dream of giving birth to her. I even dream of holding her, playing with her. And in all those dreams my face is so different. And this has been happening since long, momma. Since, I was in Townsville, when I didn't even know about NYC." I said.

"How do you know that the little girl from your dreams in Aoran's daughter? You said your face is different in those dreams." She asked.

"I know, momma. She resembles the older version of that kid. And I know my face is different because I see her." I said and switched to the rear camera for her to see the portrait of Erin.

A big frown decorated her face as she looked at the portrait. She licked her lips and straightened up.

"Her name is Erin." I said and I saw my momma's face paled up. I turned to the front camera and she just gave me a bewildered look.

"I've been having dreams about this woman since very long, momma." I said.

"Is she his late wife?" She asked and I nodded.

Only For Him {COLLINS #2} 🔞✓Where stories live. Discover now