" It's ok Manau. You know Pham doesn't do anything without any reason. He'd be really busy." Team said.

"Dont kid me Team. They are friends. And his friend's life is in danger. More than this???"

"Don't talk like this in front of In or Dean. You know they both are not in a good condition." Win retorted.

"Yes P'. Manau nodded.

"Where is Boss?"

"He went to call P' Korn."

"Oh... That meeting. We've to go too there. Lets go."

"What meeting P'?"

"About In's situation. There will be other authorities too. Now the situation is different."

"Different like.... How?"

"You know right. In is not a human anymore."

"So??? He is P' Korn's mate right. He can't abandon In."

"Team.... Calm down. We all know Korn will never do this. That's why they've held the meeting."

Both looked at each other and nodded. They all went to the meeting hall of the hospital. Since they knew Korn will not move anywhere.

Hall was filled with few unknown faces to younger wolves too.

Korn entered with Boss. Dean was there already with his and Korn's parents.

"Make it short. As much as possible. I've to go back too. " Korn said in cold voice. His words made his decision clear to everyone about In. He didn't even take a seat.

"Korn. Please be seated son. I know what you are going through. But...."

"If you know than why the hell this meeting has been held Dad. Its shouldn't be held in the first place."

"We are not asking you to abandon him."

"None of you can ask."

"Korn. We know he is your mate. But we can't deny that he is a vampire now. You are from royal blood, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want." One of the unknown face spoke.

"Make me to do so." Korn growled.

"And you think we'll not oppose!" He replied.

"Then try me." The one who was opposing Korn was flinching already because of Korn's growl. The glowing golden eyes and the words made him go numb coming from Dean's mouth, the future Alpha king of the Wolves.

Dean continued.

"Whatever happened with In wasn't his choice or mistake. He was victim. And moreover he is Korn's mate. Hell if I'll let you or anyone ruin my brother's and his mate's life. As Korn's brother I'll be standing with him and will be standing before him as he submitted himself in my Pack already. Dare to think anything wrong to my pack. I'll not think about any sanity."

Boss and Win were now standing with Dean and Korn. The future generation had cleared their decision. Everyone in the hall knew the power of these four. Specially since Korn, Win and Boss had submitted their loyalty to Dean already. For ages none of them had seen a powerful wolves like these four. And a powerful king like Dean.

Not everyone was opposing In. But whoever was thinking, left his thoughts about opposing.

The Wongnate couples smiled proudly.

"How did you even think that we'll ask you to abandon In, Korn? Never my son. We love In so much already. We held the meeting just to let other authorities know about our decision. Nothing else. Don't worry. If anyone has any problem with our decision regarding In," The Wongnate King's voice changed into cold one suddenly, "....... He or she will talk to me."

No one replied. Not like everyone was opposing but the one fell silent after hearing the king and Dean's words.

The four mothers smiled at their sons with proud eyes.

"You can leave now Korn, since I don't see any objection. In will be waking up soon. Stay around him, he'll be freaking out. It wouldn't be easy for him."

"Thank you Uncle." Korn said with tears in his eyes. He looked at Dean. Anyone can tell how proud and happy he was having Dean as his brother. Both brothers nodded. Korn left to In's room. Leaving others talking about other matters.
Pham was near the hospital. He knew the others were there. He couldn't let anyone know about his visit. He didn't know what to do. Suddenly he remembered something.

He mind-linked himself with In. He could feel through In's senses that Korn was sitting there holding In's hand. He felt relieved. Though he knew Korn will never leave In, in any situation. Suddenly he felt like Korn was going somewhere. He put the smell blocker he got from his Dad, on. And went inside. He was covering his head with his hoody. He escaped from the security easily. It wasn't hard for the vampire. He was himself was surprised seeing his parents' preparations. His parents...... Well they were his parents for now, since he didn't know the meaning of his dream.

He slipped into In's room. He closed the door. The floor was empty since no one was allowed to go there, except the Wongnates and Boss and Win's family. And ofcourse Team and Manau.

He couldn't hold his tears anymore when he saw In laying on bed. He could see the changes in In. Well In was looking more breathtaking. He was good enough to catch anyone's eye. But now it was more more than before. He went near.

He put his palm on his mouth, just to not let anyone hear his sobbing. He cried silently for a couple of minutes watching his Best friend.

He sat on bed beside In. He held his hand gently.

"In....... In...... Please wake up.... I'm so sorry. I..... I ruined everything... I'm so sorry.... Please open your eyes now.... Please...." The heartbreaking sobbing didn't affected In. Or that's what it looked like.

The tears kept running on Pham's cheeks. He was so tired. He cared In's face gently. Looking with guilt, agony and so many other conflicting emotions.

He put In's hand on In's chest. And went near to In's sleeping body.

The crimson red eyes were glowing again.

"Open your eyes submissive. Wake up. Now."

The one laying down, slowly opened his red eyes. And looked at the source of the command.

"In...." And The Crimson eyes turned to brown when the other one looked into his eyes.

(Thank you so much for reading, 💙)

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