Ep 52: The Fall and The Rise part 1

Start from the beginning

His attitude had changed and he was no longer Valt's friend. Instead he was now the same villain from last year.

"I'm not trying to be difficult, I may have a couple of masters in various subjects in science. But I am still a businessman at the end of the day. But like all scientists I want to know the truth about Valtryek...."

"But why Valtryek?"

"Why not? After you defeat Phi everything will go back to normal, you'll be named as a hero for the blading world. Countless children across the globe will want to be just like you and what better way to be like you is to have their own version of Valtryek?"

"You monster, you only came here for money. You don't even care what happens to those who cross in your path."

"No Valt, I'm not just here for money or fame I already have those things. I came here for something more valuable. Imagine the secrets we could unlock if you gave me Valtryek. Think of things I could teach you about your power. Things that could help you defeat anyone, things that Free kept secret, things that Shu never told you about when he was Red Eye."

"Besides you're no different than me Valt, we're on the same team here and you want Phi gone as much as I do. You say I'm the real villain but I'm only here for an opportunity. You say you're here to stop Phi but did you come here for something else?"

"You're not equal to the other bladers Valt, you handle resonance in ways you could have never imagined."

"But how do you know I can beat Phi?"

"Doubt is your real enemy here, if you don't think you can beat him than you won't. Besides you can't fight me and Phi."

Just then a knock came from the door and Theodore straightened up looking professional again.

Opening the door Fubuki stood on the other side.

"Shu's battle is about to begin."

Valt nodded his head and got up.

"We'll continue this conversation tomorrow."

Holding the door open Valt and Fubuki both left the room leaving Theodore alone with his thoughts.


Backstage Shu stood alone waiting for the first battle of the finals to begin.

Looking down at Spryzen a small crack could barely be seen from yesterday's battle with Phi. Looking back on it now Shu knew how lucky he was to even be backstage or waiting to battle in the fianls if Phi had managed to win then Valt would've been outnumbered. But even though the odds were now even Shu was still nervous.

"Are you okay Shu?"

Valt Aoi stood in the doorway.

"Yeah it's just Spryzen has a crack that's all."

Valt came over to Shu who was holding out his bey for Valt to see, a small crack could be seen in the energy layer.

"Well at least you caught it now and not before the battle."

Shu cracked a smile for a moment until his mind drifted away from the subject.

"Where were you this morning? I didn't see you at breakfast and I know you didn't come with BC Sol.

Valt shifted uncomfortably and sat down next to Shu.

"I talked to Theodore this morning."

The mood in the air immediately changed at the mention of Theodore. Shu's eyes narrowed.

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