57- Little Bitch Boy

Start from the beginning

In one motion, Ashton spun around, knocking his fist into Patrick's face. The force collided into the couch behind him, blood trickling down his face immediately.

Patrick's friends stood up, about to pick a fight with him.

Ashton picked up a beer bottle and smashed the end, turning to face them with a look of rage in his face.


"I'm not scared of a little bitch boy," Ashton gritted, "You think you're so tough? Touching a girl when she says no? Raping a boy because he's drunk and can't push you off?"

Patrick tensed in his place, turning on his feet and walking out. The rest of them all got up angrily, leaving the room and presumably out of the house.

Ashton turned back to Michael, tossing the broken bottle onto the floor with the rest of the shattered glass.

"Go back home Michael, or I'll make it hell for you and your mom."


Calum arrived quick, though much too slow for  Hailey. He sped down the streets as fast as he could, nearly getting pulled over by the police, all for the girl.

He walked down the hall into Evelyn's room, seeing her motionless in her bed with a blank stare.

"Hey Eve," Calum softly broke the silence in the room. She didn't move at the words, simply shifting towards Kate on the bed.

He moved away, allowing Calum to get closer to her. With a soft touch, Calum placed his hand on her back.

"Why don't we," Calum brushed her hair lightly, "Go take a shower? How's that sound?"

Evelyn shook her head, though her matted hair and mascara stained face proved to need otherwise.

She was in such a bad shape- it was pure luck they had a week of school canceled because of some gas leak at school.

None of them could imagine her going to school, neither could they imagine just leaving her here.

Hailey stepped into the room now, kneeling next to Calum, "I'll help you shower."

Evelyn debated it sluggishly in her head before sighing, slowly shifting up with her hand holding up her weight. Her elbow cracked under her body.

Calum and Kate exited the room, closing the door behind them as Hailey gently guided Evelyn to the shower.

She slowly undressed the girl, completely complacent. Hailey started to reach to the necklace around Evelyn's neck when she was stopped.

It was Luke's chain, with the ring still on it. The black ring that he gave her for Christmas, the one that she refused to take off ever since.

"Don't," Evelyn croaked, her voice barely there from all the crying.

Hailey nodded.

Evelyn stepped into the shower and sat down.

Hailey lowered the showerhead, adding shampoo in her hand and beginning to run her fingers through the girl's hair. Gently, she cleaned the matted hair on her head, unknotting it carefully until it was smooth once more.

Evelyn closed her eyes to avoid shampoo in her eyes, the cold water enveloping her and chilling her body down to the core.

First, my mom, then, my brother, and now, Luke. 

She can't handle this anymore.

Hailey finished showering the girl, helping her stand up and wrapping a towel around her. Carefully leading her back into the bedroom, Hailey laid out clothes for Evelyn.

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