2.27 Advice

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"Hi" the only word I heard coming out of the cell phone. My heart began to beat, the cheeks began to glow red, the smile widened as far as the Han river and the breath stopped for a second and was held in, until I heard the next word.

Jaemin: Hello, I am Jaemin. Jeno just asked me to give you some advice with love

Jaemin: hello? Are you there?

Jeno: She is too shy to talk, so just give her the advice!

Jaemin; why me? I am not good with love and you know that

Jeno: just talk!

Jaemin: sorry, Jeno is a little upset since I didn’t give him a kiss on the cheek

Y/n: *laughs*

Jeno: Yah! You make-

Jaemin: sorry I am talking on the phone right now

Jaemin: your laughter is cute by the way

Y/n: *sends a message* Thanks, I like your voice

Jaemin; Aaah Thanks! You saved this person as green heart!

Jeno: mind your own business

Jaemin: Hush! I am not good with love, I usually lost that battel in life. I feel for this girl who is scared, and I understand.

Jaemin: I would also have been scared, but she his strong. Strong enough to handle all this alone.

Jaemin: I know you are a girl, so what advice I will give is that. If you like someone don’t wait until the perfect timing, make the time perfect.

Jaemin: The sooner you confess the more time you will have in case anything goes bad

Y/n: I am hiding form the guy I like, because I know he likes me too *sends a message*

Jaemin: Oh, hiding isn’t a good solution. The guy probably is waiting for you and you keep hiding, don’t you think he will be sad?

Jaemin: Do you want the guy you like to be sab because of you? That doesn’t sound like something you would like to do

Y/n: *sends a message* he is better without me

Jaemin: No, No, No.

Jaemin: I don’t understand why you say that, but hiding isn’t good. If you feel like he is better of with you then you should say it to his face and explain why.

Jaemin: A real gentleman respects their love and they wont stop loving even if you say so

Y/n: *about to cry*

Jaemin: No, please don’t cry because of what I said. But crying is good, it cleans your eyes and heart. My love said that to me each time she held back her tears

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