2.24 Dreams

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Woojin: (She is so cute when she is holding my whole arm. Great to have a friend like Y/n)

After a while she falls asleep, totally. Even the ice cream was dripping from the side and she till held the spoon halfway to her mouth.

I turned of the TV and was about to stand up to put the ice cream back, but then she grabs my arm and hold it tightly. I don’t know why, but I felt like she was scared.

Scared to hurt someone or scared to be hurt. She closes her eye and I wipe of the leaking ice cream.

She might look like a mess now with those dark circles around her eyes, dripping ice cream, snoozing out loud, messy halfway up ponytail and dried tears marks on her chin.

I try again to stand up, but I get pulled back again, but this time she mumbles something.

Y/n: No, don’t leave me like everyone did

Woojin: I was going to place you in your bed

Y/n: No Jaemin, I love you don’t leave me

Woojin: (she is having a dream about him)

Y/n: I made a mistake, forgive me *lets go of Woojin*

Woojin: Y/n, you need some sleep. Come here *lifts her up*

Y/n has always been the protective friend. I meet her during her summer break, we happened to get along pretty well.

She applied for souji’s school to protect Souji even if she had ideas about attending mine. We never went to school together, we are two people who meet on the street and became friends.

Like I said earlier, I didn’t know anything properly about Y/n’s life, I just knew it was harder than what most people think.

When she needed help she would call and I would help without hesitation. She saw me as a good and helpful friend for me that was enough. In my whole life I thought Y/n wouldn’t fall in love, she didn’t seem to like love.

She had a hard time as I got to know, maybe that her reason. She fell for a guy that is now famous and she still keeps hiding from him.

Everything she does, she has the intention of protecting people. When will she start protecting herself?

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