213: The One Where Toni is Famous Part 2

Start from the beginning

The later that night


I walk into the bedroom after putting Maria to sleep, and see Toni sleeping covered in sweat. I take a deep breath, knowing there's nothing I can do about it. I just lie down next to her and rub her back. She quickly wakes up in a panic. "Hey, it's just me." I whisper. She nods lying into me. "What was the dream?" I ask quietly. "I don't know, it was just scary." I nod. "Go shower." I whisper. "Mhm... what about you join me for a bath?" She ask smiling a bit. "Yeah!" I smile. "Grab the baby monitor, I'll get the bath ready." She says getting up. I get up and grab the monitor. She goes into the bathroom and gets the bath ready. I walk in and slowly take off my clothes. She smiles. "You're so beautiful." She whispers as she takes off of her clothes. "We should get in." She smiles. We slowly get in and just relax. I hear something on the monitor and grab it. "She ok?" Toni ask quietly. I nod. "Sound asleep." I whisper. She smiles pulling me onto her lap. "Oh, it's one of those nights." I smile rapping my arms around her. "Do you mind?" I shake my head. "Not at all." I whisper. She kisses me and slowly moves her hands up my thigh. I moan quietly and we immediately hear crying. "Shouldn't she be sleeping through the night by now?" She ask quietly. I get out of the bath and grab a robe. "Yeah. I don't think she's gotten used to the time change yet." I whisper. I get up and go to Maria's room. Before I can do anything she's already asleep. "Wha-!" I whisper confused. I make sure she's ok and walk out. I go back into the bathroom. "She fell asleep before I could do anything." I say getting back into the bath. "Where were we?" She smiles kissing me. "This is the most alone time we've gotten in a while." She whispers. "I'm usually passed out by now." She adds. "We really should-." I stop her. "Toni?" She looks at me. "Shut up and fuck me before we get interrupted again." She nods pulling me into a kiss and slowly brings her hand up my thigh again. I moan as her fingers slowly enter my body. "Oh!" I moan gripping the back of her hair. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod moaning into her shoulder. "Fuck!" I whisper. "Faster." I say quietly. She thrust her fingers faster.

The next morning


I walk into the kitchen. "Morning!" I say smiling. I kiss Cheryl. "You ok? You're way to happy." She whispers. "Yeah, I got laid last night." She smiles. "For the first time in a really long time thanks to this beautiful girl." I say kissing Maria's head. "I love you though." I smile. "How about we go on a trip, I'll get Fangs to watch Maria. Just you and me, we need the time." She smiles. "Before or after the Grammy's?" She ask quietly. "This weekend at the cabin that we have because we have the money to have it but we haven't had a chance to use it." I say quietly. "And we've had it for almost a year." I smile. "I want our first time there, to the the whole family." She whispers. "We can rent that place we when Toni when I found out you were pregnant." She nods. "I like that." I smile. "I'll make the reservation." I say quietly. "No, you go talk to Fangs, I'll get the reservation." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "I have to go run some errands. I'll see you on a bit. I don't know when I'll be back." She nods. "Ok, make sure-." I stop her. "Already did." I say grabbing my bag.


I look over and see a bunch of paparazzi. "God not this again." I whisper. "Do you want to go downstairs?" Veronica ask quietly. "No. I'll just sit here awkwardly." I say sarcastically. "Really?" I get up. "Can you send Fangs down when he gets here?" He nods as I go downstairs. After a minute Fangs walks down. "Hey, why did you want to meet?" He ask quietly. I take a deep breath. I look at him. "I need your help with something." I say quietly. He nods. "Cheryl and I need to get away for like a weekend and as much as I love my daughter she's kinda putting a damper on our sex life. Like last night she interrupted us 3 times last night just to fall back asleep before we have time to even process the fact that she's crying." I explain. "You need me to watch her?" I nod. "Can you?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Yeah! Just tell me when and I'll be there." I look at him. "You could have just texted me." I nod. "Yeah but I hadn't seen you in a while." I say pulling him into a hug. "Are you drunk?" He ask quietly. "No, why do I smell?" I ask concerned. "No, you're just acting weird." He says quietly. "I haven't been sleeping." I say sadly. "Again?" I nod. "Do you need anything to help?" I shake my head. "I can't be trusted with anything." He nods. "Have you talked to dad?" I ask changing the subject. "Yeah." He nods. "How is he doing?" I ask concerned. "He's good. He's not that far, you can go see him." I nod. "Do you think- do you think mom would be proud?" I ask quietly. "She something in you that no one else could see, until now of course." I smile. "She loved both of us." He whispers. "You might have been her favorite though." We both laugh a little. "No, I'll she ever did was talk about you." He looks at me. "Same." He whispers. I roll my eyes. "Damn, of course she did." We both smile. "She was never good at telling you how she felt about you to your face." I whisper. "No." I smile. "You know, it's nice talking to you. Not having to talk about my next album or the Grammy's. Speaking of the Grammy's-." He stops me. "Yes, I'll watch her." I smile. "Thank you." He nods. "Thanks for keeping an eye in me." I whisper. "And for helping me stay sober, I don't think it would be where I am without it." He smiles. "Of course." He smiles.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now