"Weasley," Draco spat when he saw where Harrison was looking.

"Wonderful," Leo said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Cass wrinkled her nose. "He really should wash his face."

Harrison smirked at Cass' comment before focusing on the other students. He recognized some of his friends, he waved at his friend Lisa Turpin who grinned when she saw him. She had long shiny black hair and a button nose. He watched as several students attempted to smooth out their robes or flatten their hair. Neville was looking around nervously and Hermione appeared to be muttering under her breath.

"She's mental," Cass muttered to Harrison with a glance at Hermione.

"My brother says we have to fight a troll!" The Weasley boy exclaimed.

Harrison didn't know whether to burst into laughter or call the boy out to be an idiot. Was he truly stupid enough to believe that the professors would allow any student, let alone a first year fight a troll? He could practically feel amusement pouring off of Cass as Leo gave the boy a disdainful look.

Draco snorted causing the Weasley boy, and the two boys he was talking to turn around. "What?" Weasley snapped.

Draco raised an eyebrow at the tone. "Do you honestly believe they would let a bunch of first years fight a troll?" Draco drawled. "And that if they did an eleven year old would be able to defeat it? Their skin is thick and resistant to basic hexes, and considering the lack of education most new first years have," Draco's gaze flickered to Hermione who frowned, "most first years would be killed before dinner was served."

Weasley's ears turned red and he glared, "Shut up."

By now all of the other soon to be first years had stopped what they were doing to watch. Harrison's face didn't betray any emotion as he scanned the faces to read everyones reactions. Some of them, like Neville, looked like they'd rather be anywhere else while others, like Blaise, looked highly amused.

"My, my, someone has a temper," Draco drawled in a way only a Malfoy could. "No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."

Harrison heard Blaise let out a low chuckle.

Weasley turned bright red and looked as if he wanted to punch Draco but the sandy haired boy grabbed his arm. "And you must be a Malfoy. My father has told me all about you...and your Death Eater father."

There were several gasps and a few people paled at the words Death Eater. Harrison felt Draco stiffen beside him, but the blonde didn't let his face betray his emotions. He saw from the corner of his eye Leo move slightly as if preparing himself to draw his wand if need be. On his other side he saw Daphne grab Cass' wrist, the youngest Lestrange was very protective over her best friends. Her brother, Harrison, and her cousin Draco in particular. He knew that if the red head said anything more about Draco's dad she'd hex him with a spell no normal first year would know.

"Don't you dare say a word against my father weasel," Draco spat. "My father is a respectable man unlike yours. Tell me, how can he even afford to send you to school here?"

Weasley's entire face turned red at the nickname 'weasel', "Don't talk about my dad!"

"You talked about his first," Leo's cold voice cut in.

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