Chapter 132

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Although still furious over the previous evenings events, Tom found himself wanting to laugh at the discomfort on Pierre's face. Fleur and Harrison had insisted on staying with each other, and after the death of one of his best friends, Tom couldn't bring himself to crush his son. Fleur's father felt that after her having to witness in his words, "uncalled for horror," that he should do anything to make her happy. So they found themselves having breakfast together a few hours after Tom had dealt with his traitorous followers, as the Delacour's would be staying in their Manor for a few more nights before returning to Paris.

Pierre was reading a French newspaper, but Tom could see the discomfort written all over him at having breakfast with the Dark Lord. Although, Tom was pleased that thanks to the bloodbath at Hogsmeade Pierre admitted that something drastic needed to be done. Pierre agreed that when Tom succeeded in taking over Britain, he would give his support, if only to prevent the mayhem that comes along with anarchy.

Much to Tom's amusement, Pierre had said with a sigh, "It will be better to align myself with the devil than attempt to fend of a dozen at once."

Normally Tom would enjoy torturing someone for such a remark, but he needed Pierre on board, and he found the French man's honesty amusing. Allies now or not, Pierre still appeared to be walking on eggshells around him.

A fluttering sounded, and Pierre looked up from his paper. Several issues of the Daily Prophet were dropped onto the table. Tom immediately snatched one up.

Bloodbath in Hogsmeade

by Rita Skeeter

My dearest readers, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the events that transpired last night, at Hogsmeade's New Year's Eve masquerade bash. Hundreds of witches and wizards had descended upon Hogsmeade Village to watch fireworks and celebrate the New Year with entertainment and good food. However, merriment was soon replaced with terror.

The number is not known for certain, but is estimated that between ten and fifteen Death Eaters attacked, but not before putting up anti-apparition wards from Hogsmeade Lake to the edge of the village. The revelers were caught unaware, and in the shock of not being able to disapparate, were slaughtered mercilessly. The murder count is estimated at sixty, while more than one hundred people were taken to St. Mungo's Hospital to be treated for injuries ranging from mild to the severe.

It is confirmed that the attackers were Death Eaters. However, I can confirm that a source within the Ministry of Magic has definitive proof that the Death Eaters in question weren't working under Voldemort's orders, and were in fact punished for the attack. As the investigation is still ongoing, no evidence can be given publicly.

Immediately following the attack, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones, had this to say. "Unfortunately, our aurors were stretched thin, and due to the anti-apparition wards, aurors could not immediately respond to the scene. Because of this, we were unable to capture or identify any of the Death Eaters responsible for this evening's atrocity. However, I am thankful to be able to say that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement has sent out a plethora of auror acceptance letters. These individuals will begin auror training on the 5th of January. In six months time, there will be a new batch of well trained aurors ready to defend the citizens of Britain."

I will keep my readers informed as this story develops.

Tom smiled, he could always count on Rita to twist stories in his favor.

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