Chapter 65

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Hermione nodded as she listened, she was slowly becoming less freaked out by the fact that You-Know-Who was Harrison's father. She wanted to run and scream and never go near Harrison again but she couldn't, she truly cared about him no matter who his father is. They've been friends for two years and she didn't want that friendship to end. Part of it may also be the fact that she has never been very fond of Dumbledore, something about him always seemed off to her. But the main reason was that she cared about Harrison more than she could explain. She wanted to always be there for him the way she knew he'd be there for her. Although she had doubts that she could join Voldemort, she wouldn't betray Harrison. Her fears slowly ebbed away as she realized that Harrison wouldn't intentionally hurt her, she could see it in his eyes. As long as Harrison was around she would be safe.


"My father wants to take over the Ministry and wizarding Britain to build a better society," Harrison continued. "Eventually he wants to have power throughout the entire world, but those are his long term goals and there's no need to go into those now. He already has people in every department in the Ministry and in other occupations." He stopped and looked at Luna, he gave her a slight nod. He thought it would be better if she explained about her seer abilities.

"I'm a Seer," Luna stated matter of fact and Harrison internally groaned. He told her not to state it so blunt. Harrison watched as incredulousness came over the Weasley twins faces and Neville looked like he didn't know what to think.

"You can see the future?" Hermione asked for clarification. There was surprise, confusion, wonder and curiosity in her tone.

"I see possible futures," Luna said cryptically and Neville's brows furrowed. "I have dreams and sometimes even visions when I'm awake and they show different possibilities. With every choice a person makes the future changes. I've seen a world where Tom wins and it is the best possible future."

"You're saying that You-Know-Who-" Hermione began but Daphne cut her off.

"Either call him Mr. Riddle or Voldemort," Daphne told her. "You-Know-Who is a ridiculous name said by pathetic people who fear a mere name." Hermione looked insulted but she didn't say anything to her.

"Okay," Hermione said slowly. "Mr. Riddle will make the world better?" She sounded hesitant to believe that.

"Yes," Luna said as though it was as simple as two plus two. "It will be a long and dangerous road but if Tom wins as I know he can than the world will be better for it."

Hermione took a deep breath. "Well I still want to be your friend," Hermione said after a moment of silence. "It'll take me a few days to completely process everything but I do want to be your friend. I've never really picked a side before in the war, I mean I've heard people at school talk about either being Light, Dark or neutral but I never considered myself to be any. Right now I'd have to say I'm neutral, but I want to be on your side. I don't agree with everything your father does, especially because my parents are Muggles but I don't agree with how the Ministry is run. And if Hogwarts used to have a better education I don't see why we can't improve the education we're receiving right now. I might not ever be able to kill but I can help with something else..." She trailed off before looking Harrison square in the eye. "You were my first friend and I don't want to stop being your friend." Harrison felt relief and elation, he had grown attached to Hermione. However his relief was short lived when he realized that he didn't know where his other three friends stood.

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