Chapter 105

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"Get up! Ron, get up!"

Ron sat up quickly and bumped his head on the bunkbed above him.

"Wassthematter?" Ron slurred, as he tried to blink away the tiredness of his eyes.

Ron could hear loud noises coming from outside the tent. He could hear screams, and the sound of people running. He rolled out of the bed, hitting his elbow hard on the ground. He winced, and reached for his clothes that he had thrown under his bed.

Arthur, who had pulled on his jeans over his pajamas, said, "No time, Ron! You boys, grab your jackets now and get outside! Quickly, now!"

Ron did as he was told, and grabbed his jacket. He followed Seamus and Dean out of the tent, and came to an abrupt halt. By the light of the few fires that were still burning, he could see people running away into the woods, fleeing figures that Ron could barely make out in the distance. The figures were emitting odd flashes of light and noises like gunfire. Loud jeering, drunken yells, and roars of laughter were drifting towards them; then came a burst of strong green light, which illuminated the scene.

Dozens of wizards, tightly packed, and wearing long black robes and bone white masks were walking towards them. Ron paled as he realized that they were Death Eaters. A loud scream pierced the air and he looked above their heads to see four struggling figures, floating above them in midair. It was as though the Death Eaters were puppeteers, and the people above them were marionettes operated by invisible strings that rose from their wands into the air. Two of the figures were very small.

More Death Eaters popped into the field. Tents crumpled and fell, and the screaming grew tenfold. Tents caught on fire, and people fell to the ground. Ron watched in disgust as one of the figures floating in the air was flipped upside down and her dress went flying above her head, revealing white underwear. She struggled to cover herself up and the Death Eaters laughed.

"That's sick," Dean muttered. "That's really sick."

"Listen to me," Arthur said quickly. "Percy come with me. The rest of you, run into the woods! Stay out of site."

Percy pulled out his wand, and looked at the twins. Then Percy and Arthur ran towards the Death Eaters.

"We need to go!" Dean yelled. "Come on!"

Ron looked at his father and Percy, then he looked at the twins, grabbed Ginny's hand and ran after Seamus and Dean. Ron forced himself to run faster as the woods neared. It seemed like an eternity passed before they reached the woods. Ron stumbled over a fallen branch, and caught himself by grabbing onto a low tree branch. He began breathing hard, and dry heaving.

"Where's Ginny?" Fred asked.

"What?" Ron asked, still panting.

"Ginny," Fred said forcefully. "You had her hand. Where is she?"

Ron looked up, his eyes going wide, as he turned around and around. Ron swallowed hard. He hadn't even noticed that he was no longer holding Ginny's hand. He had been so worried about getting into the forest, that he wasn't thinking about anything else.

"Ginny!" Ron yelled. "Ginny!" His voice was becoming more and more panicked.

The twins, Dean, and Seamus joined in calling her name, but no answering voice came.

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