Chapter 142

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Fleur's laughter sounded like a tinkling wind chime, but it died in her throat when she saw the look on Harrison's face. Harrison was looking over her shoulder, his emerald eyes hard as stone. She spun around and saw Viktor striding towards them, his face etched with fury, and his body wound tight.

"Harrison," Fleur said, "what's going on?"

Harrison didn't answer which sent a wave of concern over Fleur.

"Vhat the hell, Harrison?" Viktor snarled.

Harrison didn't flinch as Viktor stormed up to him, stopping a mere inches from Harrison's face.

"Viktor," Harrison said quietly. "Before you say or do anything else, remember who it is you're standing in front of."

Viktor was breathing heavily as he looked at Harrison. Fleur looked at the Durmstrang champion in shock.

"Viktor, what are you doing?" Fleur asked.

"Vhy don't you ask your boyfriend," Viktor said through clenched teeth. Harrison's eyes sparked. "You didn't tell her, did you? That you spent last night sleeping with my girlfriend."

Nothing could be heard but the rustling of the wind for several seconds before Fleur burst into laughter. It wasn't the beautiful tinkling sound that normally rang out from her lips, but a haughty chuckle.

"Harrison and Ginny?" Fleur asked. "What are you talking about?" Her French accent was heavy with disbelief.

Fleur looked at Harrison who said nothing, he merely continued to look at Viktor. Fleur felt her stomach drop as disbelief waved over her. She never thought that Harrison would cheat on her. But he refused to look at her, and her throat went dry. Fleur took a step backwards.

"Harrison," Fleur said in a strangled voice. "What is he talking about?"

"I didn't touch her, Fleur," Harrison said.

Fleur saw dawning comprehension flash in Viktor's eyes.

"Of course," Viktor said, and he took a step backwards, "you vouldn't do the dirty vork yourself. Vhy rip away Ginny's innocence when you could have someone do it for you. Vho vas it?"

"Does it matter?" Harrison asked coldly.

"Harrison, what is—" Fleur's voice died in her throat.

A horrified look began to form on Fleur's face, as the meaning behind Viktor's words became clear to her.

"I merely facilitated what needed to be done," Harrison said with no remorse. "Viktor refused to play his part, and Ginny was about to be lost to us. We need her to trust you. To love you. To blindingly follow you."

"So you had one of your friends pretend to be me and sleep vith her!" Viktor snapped, sounding both furious and devastated.

"Harrison," Fleur said in a strangled voice.

"We need her," Harrison said. "I won't apologize for it. It was for the best. Had you not fallen for her, had you done the job my father had entrusted you with none of it would've happened."

Viktor looked as if he'd been punched.

"If that is vat you believe, then there's nothing more for us to say," Viktor said.

"There is one more thing," Harrison said. "My father wants to see you. Now."

Fleur could feel the fear radiate off of Viktor.

"I too von't apologize for what I've done," Viktor said.

Viktor glanced at Fleur. "This is the real Harrison. It always has been."

Harrison's eyes flashed and Viktor walked away, his shoulders tense.

Silence descended once more and Fleur looked at Harrison who watched as Viktor walked towards the Durmstrang ship.

"Don't say it Fleur," Harrison said. "You know who my father is. You know that things like this happen."

"She didn't know it wasn't Viktor," Fleur said quietly. "That's…" A tear fell down her cheek. "Since the beginning of time my people, the veela, have been raped and forced into marriages. Forced into—"

"This is different. She willingly slept with him," Harrison said coldly.

"She willingly slept with Viktor, not whoever was pretending to be him," Fleur said with emphasis.

"This is why I didn't tell you," Harrison said. "You don't need to worry about it."

"Harrison," Fleur said. "That's going too far, you aren't a Death Eater."

"No, but I am the son of Lord Voldemort," Harrison said, his eyes and voice devoid of emotion.

Fleur took a step back.

Harrison sighed and stepped towards her, and she took another step back and stumbled into a tree. She hissed in pain and Harrison rushed towards her.

"Fleur, are you ok?" Harrison asked.

Fleur looked at him, and for a moment fear shone in her eyes, and Harrison flinched backwards.

"I would never hurt you," Harrison said gently.

Fleur looked at him, her blue eyes full of confusion and hurt. Harrison stepped forward, placing his hands on the large tree trunk, one hand on either side of her. He leaned in to kiss her, his lips landed on hers and for a moment she wanted to give in, to wrap her arms around him and just accept what he had done, but she couldn't shake the thought of Ginny and a polyjuiced Viktor. His hands left the tree, one flew to her waist and the other underneath her right breast. Fleur felt as though ants were crawling over her skin and nausea hit her like a wave. Fleur turned her head, and Harrison sighed.

"I need time to think," Fleur said, as a single tear tell down her cheek.

Harrison took two steps back, and Fleur ran towards the Beauxbatons carriage.

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