Chapter 125

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25 December 1994

Ginny took a deep breath as she looked out at the front lawn. Hogwarts always looked beautiful at Christmas, but the professors had gone beyond this year. The lawn in front of the castle had been transformed into a fancy grotto full of fairy lights. She relaxed as she watched the fairies fly around the various ice statues of Father Christmas and snowmen. The statues glinted in the moonlight, and if she hadn't known better she would've thought they'd been carved from diamonds.

"You look vonderful," a voice behind her said.

Ginny spun around, and when her eyes landed on Viktor, all of the tension she'd been feeling left. Viktor leaned down and gave her a chaste kiss. She blushed, as several girls sent her jealous looks. Her and Viktor had only been dating for a month and a half, and they only went public a few weeks prior. She had yet to get used to all of the jealous and hateful glares she would get from her classmates. The only people who didn't seem to look at her strangely these days besides her family were her best friends Parvati and Lavender.

"Thank you," Ginny said.

"Champions over here, please!" McGonagall called.

"Shall we?" Viktor held out his arm.

Ginny smiled as she slid her arm through his.


Harrison walked into the Great Hall, Fleur's arm linked through his, looking marvelous in a silver dress. Harrison looked around at the wonderful decorations, silver frost covered the walls, making the room look as though it was carved from ice, and garlands of mistletoe and ivy hung from the ceiling. Lantern lit tables had replaced the typical house tables, and a large tree stood in the center, a star the size of his torso glowing at the top.

He could see guys from every house going slack jawed as they stared at Fleur, but he didn't focus on anyone until his attention was caught by a flash of red. When he looked his eyebrows rose into his hair. Susan's arm was looped through Ron's and she was staring at him with a challenging look. Harrison didn't know whether to laugh or roll his eyes. He had like Susan, but it had been no more than a child's crush, and she was beginning to become weirdly obsessed. He turned away from her, and looked at Fleur who smiled brightly at him.


Fleur laughed as Cass grabbed her hands and danced around with her. Hermione, Daphne, Pansy, Jenna, and Tracey were dancing around them, their arms spinning in the air. Fleur couldn't remember a time when she had truly been happy with girls until she came to Hogwarts. Back home, every girl she went to school with didn't bother to get close to her thanks to her veela nature. She spent her days alone, studying and reading books. As much as she learned and grew as a witch, it made for a lack of fun. Coming to Hogwarts and befriending Harrison's friends had been life-changing.

Hermione liked her for her brain, Jenna and Tracey would discuss clothes with her for hours, Cass loved discussing magic, Pansy would ask her for help with homework and French, and Daphne was great to talk to about anything and everything. For the first time in her life, she felt as if she had friends. People who didn't look at her and see a threat. As she danced around with them, oblivious to the jealous stares from other girls and lustful ones from the male students, she had never felt happier. Especially when she looked at Harrison and saw him staring back at her, with love, and not the looks she was used to receiving from the opposite sex.

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