Chapter 71

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Harrison felt panic rise up in his chest as his fathers words sunk in. 'This cannot be happening, this cannot be happening. What if Dumbledore finds out who I was born as?'

"Calm down," Tom spoke evenly. Harrison looked up at his father, Tom was staring intently at him. Harrison noticed that everything that was on Tom's desk was now scattered on the ground. The flames in the fireplace had gone out and books were laying on the ground, covers torn off and pages bent. Harrison closed his eyes, he hadn't realized that he had lost control of his magic. He had been so worried upon learning that Dumbledore knew Harry Potter was alive that he had lost control. He mentally cursed himself, he needed to get control of his emotions. He knew that his father wouldn't allow any harm to come to him and neither would Severus who would be with him at Hogwarts. His father had told him that Dumbledore had no clue he was born Harry Potter, he needed to push his anger and panic down. The former would do him no good and the latter would only make him weak. Slowly Harrison opened his eyes to see that everything in his fathers office was repaired and a cup of tea was sitting in front of him, light brown liquid swirling in a gold cup.

"I'm sorry," Harrison said as he reached out to grab the teacup. Harrison put the teacup to his lips as Tom continued to eye him carefully.

"It's alright Harrison," Tom assured him in a tone that most would find off for him to use. "As I told you, I will not allow Dumbledore to find out the truth until the time comes for him to know. As long as you continue to be careful the old fool will not find out. Don't do anything to cause him to make the connection between you and Harry Potter. This isn't something I had planned on him finding out so soon, he wasn't supposed to know until I had taken over. However, I cannot control this so we will have to plan around it." Harrison nodded as he continued to reign in his emotions, he believed that everything would be okay but he couldn't help but worry. Harrison had truly never expected Dumbledore to find out that he was Harry Potter until moments before his death, it was, if he were to admit it, terrifying that Dumbledore knew Harry Potter was alive. Harrison didn't associate himself with the Potter's, in his eyes he had never been Harry Potter. He was Harrison Riddle, he always had been and he always would be. However, Harrison knew that if Dumbledore found out the truth than he would be taken away and no doubt raised right under Dumbledore's nose. "Only my inner circle knows of your birth name, and none of them will say anything." Harrison nodded absentmindedly as he put his teacup down.

Harrison knew he shouldn't be surprised, it seemed like Dumbledore always found everything out that he shouldn't. But they had been so careful, he knew what lengths his father had gone to in order to keep his birth identity hidden. Not even Harrison's best friends knew that he had been born Harry Potter. Harrison would have to be extra careful this year, especially when he was around Dumbledore. The thought of Dumbledore finding out before it was time made him ill.

"Do I need to do anything differently this upcoming school year?" Harrison asked as Nani slithered out from his sleeve. Harrison absentmindedly stroked his familiar as her tongue flicked out and hit his wrist. Harrison hoped that this didn't change anything for him this year. "You've told me what you require me to do, but does Dumbledore finding out change anything?" Tom looked pensive for a moment, Harrison looked down at Nani, her green scales glittering in the light.

"No," Tom said after a moment of silence. "The plans on your end will remain the same." Tom looked over at a large wooden clock, shimmering snakes spun around the edges. "You leave for Hogwarts tomorrow, you should go to sleep." Harrison nodded as he allowed Nani to crawl up his arm to rest on his shoulders.

"Goodnight father," Harrison said as he walked towards the door.

"Goodnight son," Tom murmured.

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