Chapter 85

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"I'm sick of Malfoy, Riddle and the rest of those slimy snakes," Ron complained as he lounged in the Gryffindor common room. A fire flickered in front of him, the flames dancing, sparks flickering, and casting an eery glow over the dark common room. "They always get away with everything. They curse us and they get away with it, we curse them and we get caught. It's not fair."

"I still can't believe Professor McGonagall didn't believe that Malfoy cursed you," Seamus said shaking his head. His lips pulled into a tight frown. Ron grimaced as he thought about spending hours spitting up giant slimy slugs. He had to brush his teeth five times to get the taste out.

"Mr. Malfoy is a respectful student," Ron said mimicking his head of house. "I spoke with him and he said that you tried to curse him and it back fired. Mr. Longbottom told me the same story, are you telling me that your house mate is lying?" Ron looked sulky as he played with the hem of his too short Chudley Cannons pajama bottoms. "One week of detention for lying to a professor and attempting to curse a fellow student." Ron scowled as he finished his imitation. Ron was angry that all of professors continued to believe the Slytherins over him. Even when the Slytherins started it, it was him and his friends who got into trouble, and he was sick of it.

"We need to do something to get them caught in the act," Seamus said looking between Ron and Dean. Seamus looked around the empty common room as though looking for eavesdroppers. "Maybe then the professors will listen to us."

"Riddle and Malfoy are smart enough not to get caught," Dean said hesitantly. Ron scowled, even his best friend thought they were smart. He knew they were, but he didn't think they were as smart as everyone thought. And he wanted to prove it to everyone, especially his brothers who were too close to the Slytherins.

"Who says it has to be Riddle or Malfoy?" Seamus said with a shrug.

"Because they're the worst," Ron growled. "Them and that Zabini bloke." Ron shook his head, his ears turning red.

"I think I have an idea that will work," Dean said slowly. Ron and Seamus looked up at their friend, expectant looks on both of their faces.

"Well?" Ron prompted impatiently.

As Dean explained a way for the Slytherins to get caught in the act a grin spread across the three Gryffindors faces.

"Brilliant." Ron and Seamus said in unison.


"We need to tell Harrison," George said to his twin.

"We can send him a letter in the morning, he'll receive it at breakfast," Fred suggested. The twins were staring intently at where the three third years sat plotting in front of the large fireplace.

"He'll get a good laugh," George smirked.

"I can't believe Ron thinks that will work," Fred snorted as he shook his head.

"He's never been the creamiest cauldron cake in the batch," George shrugged. Fred snickered as his twin grinned. "Let's go to bed," George said as he pulled out his wand. "We'll need to get up early." Fred nodded, and his twin waved his wand, canceling the silencing charm that had surrounded them. After one last look at the third years, the twins slowly crept up the spiral stair case to their dormitory.

Harrison had his arm around Susan's shoulders as she told him about her lessons for the first week of school. In all honesty he was only half listening, because courtesy of Fred and George he knew what Ron, Dean and Seamus had planned. Harrison had always thought the three weren't the smartest people, but after receiving the twins' letter he was more sure of his opinion of them than ever. He was actually getting bored and annoyed at how easy they were to get into trouble. He would like it if they were actually a challenge, it would make things interesting. Like his father always told him, there's no point of winning if your competitor isn't worthy. His father hated Dumbledore, but even he would admit that the old wizard was brilliant. Ron, Dean and Seamus seemed to have the intelligence of Peter Pettigrew, which wasn't something to be proud of.

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