Chapter 57

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Harrison watched as the sixteen year old Tom Riddle disappeared leaving behind no hint that he had ever existed. Harrison hissed in pain when he tried to move, he looked down at his chest and grimaced as he took in the sight and the smell of copper. The cut on his chest looked like it had been made by Sectumsempra but Harrison knew it hadn't been, for one Snape invented that spell decades after his father had been sixteen and for another the spells light had been a different color. He waved his hand over his chest to heal the cut but nothing happened, he tried several healing spells but all of them were unsuccessful. There was now a puddle of blood growing around him and he was surprised he was still conscious. He felt his breathing slow down and his vision was becoming foggy, no doubt from blood loss. He groped around in his pocket for his black silk pouch and yanked it out.

"Accio elixir," Harrison said his voice coming out slightly hoarse after reaching his hand into the bag. A diamond vial with an emerald topper came flying out and into his hand. His hand shook as he tried to unstopper it, he yanked the emerald topper off and put the vial to his lips. He slowly dropped three drops into his mouth, it didn't taste like anything but it felt like ice sliding down his throat. He closed the vial and placed it back in his pouch. He looked down and saw his wound slowly stitch itself back up, it looked like he was being healed in slow motion. What seemed like an eternity later the wound was fully healed, no scar in sight and he waved his hand to vanish the blood. He reached into his bag and accio'd a vial of blood replenishing potion, he drank it in one gulp and tossed the empty vial back into his bag. He sat up slowly and he could feel his breathing return to normal and the color gradually return to his skin. He stood up and looked around the chamber, his eyes landed on the still unconscious form of Ginny and he walked over to her.

He stood over the first year and he saw that like him the color was returning to her cheeks. She began to stir and he stunned her before she could wake up. He weighed his options, he could leave her down in the chamber to starve, he could kill her and feed her to the basilisk or he could bring her back up to the castle proper. His first choice would be to leave her to starve but he didn't want the youngest Weasley to die just yet. He decided to change her memories to make it seem as though she had been possessed by Voldemort somehow and that was how she was opening the chamber. He was grateful that his dad taught him how to alter memories. He took out his wand, he was much better at altering memories with a wand and pointed it between her eyes. His hand twisted to the side as strands of silver shot from his wand. He stood there for five minutes going through her memories and altering them to suit what he needed. He finished changing her memories and stowed his wand back in his wand holster.

I might as well go through her other memories while I have her unconscious. He shoved into her mind, gently enough to not cause any harm and began sifting through her memories that didn't have to do with the Chamber of Secrets or his fathers diary. Ginny was watching Blaise eat in the Great Hall with a dreamy look on her face. The memory skipped and Ginny was complaining that she had to buy second hand robes. The memory skipped and he was looking at a horrid room with bright orange walls where Ron was warning Ginny against the Slytherins and the ones in his year particularly. The memory faded into one where Ginny was telling the dwarf what to sing to Blaise. Harrison pulled out of her mind with a sneer the girl really did have a crush on one of his best friends, the thought was disturbing. Although he was more annoyed that he didn't find anything that was actually useful, all of her memories were pointless and childish.

Harrison looked around and saw several doors around the chamber. He knew Ginny would be stunned until either she was enervated or in several hours so he decided to look around. He wrinkled his nose, the room smelt moldy so he cast several charms to clear the air. He walked warily towards the first door, he didn't know if there were any traps down there. He cast several charms to detect magical signatures and there appeared to be no spells over the door so he pushed the tall black door open. He stepped inside and he couldn't see anything in the room, it was blacker than a normal dark room. It was as though someone had taken away his sight. He recalled his father telling him that almost everything in the chamber was Parseltongue activated.

Light. Harrison hissed and a quiet hiss was heard, torches sprung to life all around the room. Harrison could now see everything clearly, he was standing in what must have been Salazar Slytherins private study. He was used to extravagance so he rarely felt awe, but he was amazed that he was standing in the room where one of the greatest wizards of all time did his work. Harrison knew that Salazar had invented many spells and he most likely invented some of them in that room. It was the size of his dormitory, the walls were lined with dark bookshelves and stuffed to the brim with thick tomes. An ornately carved desk sat in the center of the room, and the chair that stood behind it had snakes carved into the back. In the place of a chandelier were hanging torches and a fireplace was burning bright, a painting of Hogwarts stood above the mantle. The room didn't have a single cobweb or dust covered area and the room smelt fresh, he assumed there were stasis charms on it.

Harrison walked to one of the bookshelves and ran his hand over the spines of several books. He noticed that most of the books were written in Parseltongue and several appeared to have been hand written by Salazar Slytherin himself. His father had told him about the vast book collection in the Chamber of Secrets, he had never been able to take them out when he was in school because Dumbledore had watched him too closely. Harrison pulled out his pouch and began pulling out books and delicately putting them inside of it after placing charms on them to ensure they weren't damaged. He knew that one day his bottomless expansion pouch would come in handy. He resisted the urge to stop and read a book entitledDangerous Elements by Salazar Slytherin. After two hours he was finished packing all of the books. He cast a tempus and mentally cursed, he knew he should go back up to the castle proper. He took one last look around the room before leaving with the intent to return, he wanted to go through the desk one day.

He waved his hand at Ginny and she began to float. He grabbed the diary and his dagger and placed them in his pouch before taking one last look around and leaving the chamber.

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