Chapter 28

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Harrison spent the last two weeks of summer training non-stop. He would wake up at four in the morning and run five miles before going for a swim in the lake. At six his friends would come over for animagus training and it was going better than expected. After animagus lessons he would duel with his friends or practice new spells one of them read about for three hours. Afterwards he would practice the Dark Arts with Bellatrix, Draco, Luna, Cass and Leo.

Harrison would relax for an hour by eating lunch and flying. Sometimes he would play a quick game of quidditch, Harrison and Draco versus Cass and Leo. Once his hour of free time was over he would have private lessons with his father until dinner. Dinner would be spent enjoying time with his father, it was the only time of the day his father was relaxed. The past several weeks had been hectic for the Dark Lord. After dinner Harrison would be taken down to the dungeons and shown different techniques the Death Eaters used to interrogate prisoners.

The night before September first Harrison and Tom walked down to the lowest level of the Manor. The basement level of the Manor was nothing but dungeons with the exception of the kitchen. The only entrance to the dungeons was a staircase behind a door that was always guarded by two Death Eaters. Once you descended the staircase you entered a large square room with a dozen doors and six archways leading to separate hallways. On the right were three hallways; the first held muggle male prisoners, the second one held muggle female prisoners and the third held muggle children prisoners. On the left were three more hallways; the first held wizard prisoners, the second one held witch prisoners and the third held children wizards and witches.

The dozen doors in the room led to various 'torture rooms'. Each of the rooms had expansion charms on them so the room was much larger than it would outwardly appear to be. There were silencing spells so you couldn't hear anything coming from the rooms or hallways. However if you stepped into one of the hallways you could usually hear begging, crying and screaming.

Like the rest of the Manor there were anti-apparition and anti-port key wards in the basement. The only people who can apparate in are those with the dark mark but they can't apparate out, that's just in case a Death Eater is a traitor. Only Tom can apparate out, however Harrison will be able to once he learns how. If someone apparate's in Tom is immediately alerted to who it is and how many prisoners they've brought. Half a dozen Death Eaters stand guard in the basement at all times.

A second dungeon resides under the forest at Riddle Manor however the only way in is to apparate and the only way out is if Tom allows you to. Those dungeons are only used to hold prisoners Tom doesn't want his lower ranked Death Eaters to know about or long term prisoners.

Harrison watched as a young woman wearing only a white bra and short jean shorts was dragged into the room by. She was screaming and pleading to be set free, her blonde hair was covered in dirt and dry blood. Harrison could see her body shaking, whether it was out of fear or after effects of the cruciatus curse he didn't know or care.

"Shut up you stupid muggle," Randall Saxon yelled as he backhanded her.

"I don't know what a muggle is," the girl sobbed. "Please don't hurt me!"

The Death Eater with light blonde hair sneered as dragged her into one of the rooms. Her screams cut off when the black door slammed shut.

Tom stared disdainfully at the door before looking at Harrison. "Amycus and Alecto captured a minor member of the Order today." He walked to the door next to the one Randall and the muggle girl just entered. "Remember not to speak or draw attention to yourself. Watch how they get information from her."

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