Chapter 113

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AN: As with canon, Ginny is a year below Harry and Ron. However, she is 14. In canon, Hermione is a year older than Harry and Ron because her birthday falls in September. In this story, Ginny's birthday too is in September, so that she is a third year, but 14 years old.

"Stupid, stupid," Ginny muttered under her breath. She tucked a strand of shoulder length red hair behind her ear as she rounded the corner. "Oomph," Ginny ran into something hard, and she lost her balance. She only remained on her feet because a pair of strong hands grabbed her by the arms.

"Careful," a deep, slightly accented voice said.

Ginny had to crane her neck to look up at the person who had caught her, as he was almost a full head taller than her. When her eyes locked onto his dark brown ones, she couldn't stop a blush from creeping up her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," Ginny said quickly, the words tumbling out of her mouth. "I forgot my wand on my nightstand, and I was running back up to get it when…" She trailed off, she couldn't believe she had just admitted to leaving her wand in her dorm room, and to Viktor Krum of all people.

Viktor laughed, and Ginny only then realized that he was still gripping her arms.

"It is quite alright," Viktor let go of her arms, and if she didn't know any better she would've though he did so reluctantly.

'Yeah, right, because the famous Viktor Krum would ever even look twice at me,' she mentally scoffed.

"Ginny, isn't it?" Viktor asked.

Ginny looked at him dumbfounded. "Yes…how did you?"

"I heard your father say it the night of the Vorld Cup," Viktor said. She loved the way he said "world."

"Oh," Ginny said quietly. Suddenly embarrassment overtook her as she remembered that night. "About that night, I never did thank you properly." Her blush creeped up to her ears as she realized how that sounded. "I didn't mean…" She shook her head. "I wasn't—"

Viktor laughed again. It was a booming sound, as if it was being magnified.

"It vas nothing, Ginny," Viktor said. He smiled at her, and her legs felt like jelly.

"You saved me," she whispered.

They both fell silent, and Ginny was mentally cursing herself.

Viktor cleared his throat. "I have a way you can make it up to me." Ginny's eyebrows furrowed. "I vas told today ve are allowed to go to Hogsmeade. I've never been to this place before, but I hear it is nice."

Ginny's eyes widened, and her heart rate sped up. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Are you asking me to go with you to Hogsmeade?" Ginny asked, shock written all of her face.

"Is that a yes?" Viktor asked teasingly.

"Yes," Ginny said quickly. She grimaced at how needy she sounded.

"Vonderful," Viktor said. "You must need your wand, yes? Let us meet in twenty minutes at the doors to your Great Hall."

"Ok," Ginny said. She was finding it hard to wrap her mind around this conversation.

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