Chapter 58

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Harrison stood back under a disillusionment charm and roamed his eyes over the hallway, he thought it looked believable. Ginny was laying in the middle of the hallway with her red hair splayed all around her. She was covered in dirt, to him it looked like she had been down in the Chamber of Secrets. Her exhausted face adding to the illusion that Voldemort had possessed her, technically she had but not by the Voldemort Dumbledore will think. Harrison's head snapped up when he heard foot steps coming his way, he stepped backwards towards the wall and waited. Dumbledore came around the corner along with a distraught Molly and Arthur Weasley. Molly's round face was pale and streaked with dried tears and Arthur looked twice his age. Dumbledore's usual twinkle was missing and the solemn expression he wore looked odd on his face. The three stopped in their tracks when they saw Ginny laying on the ground.

"Ginny!" Molly shrieked, Harrison winced at her loud tone. The Weasley matriarch ran towards her now stirring daughter and kneeled on the floor, drawing Ginny into her arms. Arthur was right behind her, he wrapped his arms around the two Weasley women. Dumbledore looked surprised for the briefest moment before a look of relief flashed in his eyes.

"Oh Ginny," Molly sobbed. "My baby girl is alive! Oh baby, I was so worried about you." Molly's arms tightened around her daughter. "My little Ginny." Harrison felt like gagging as he watched the scene unfold but he needed to stay to make sure his plan didn't fail.

"You're safe," Arthur kept saying over and over again. Dumbledore began walking towards them but Ginny's words made him freeze.

"Mum, daddy," Ginny said groggily as she tried to sit up. She took in her surroundings and her eyes went wide as tears began pouring down her cheeks. "I didn't mean too!" The tears came harder and her body began to shake. "You-Know-Who he-he-he made me!" Molly paled even further and Arthur appeared to have frozen, he stared at his daughter in horror and disbelief. Dumbledore paled, it was barely noticeable but Harrison's lips curved into a smirk as the headmaster took on a confused look.

"You-Know-Who couldn't have possessed you," Arthur managed to choke out. His head turned so fast to look at Dumbledore Harrison was surprised it didn't snap. "Can he?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

Dumbledore stroked his long white beard. "He must have found a way," he looked solemnly at the Weasley parents. "Let us adjourn to my office." Arthur helped a shaking Molly and Ginny to their feet and they slowly followed Dumbledore away. Harrison was tempted to follow them but he couldn't chance getting caught. For a moment he contemplated using his Animagus form but the risks of being found out were to high, and he needed to get back to his common room. Harrison watched as the group of four rounded the corner before he made his way to the Slytherin common room.

Fifteen minutes later he walked into his common room after lifting the disillusionment charm, it seemed like every Slytherin in the entire house was present. Most of the older students looked excited and some appeared to be writing letters. He found his friends sitting in their usual seats, he walked over listening to the various conversations as he went.

"I'm glad that idiotic ponce is dead," Anastasia said as she examined her long green fingernails. "Maybe now we can have a competent professor." He walked passed Anastasia and her friends who didn't see him walk by, everyone seemed to be too absorbed in what had happened. That and the Slytherin common room was the one place at Hogwarts where they could fully relax and not have to constantly be on their guard.

"That Creevey kid was annoying as hell," Odette said to Ophelia. "He was always taking pictures on that Muggle camera of his." The twins noticed Harrison as he walked by and they smiled at him. He pushed passed a group of first years and stopped behind Blaise who turned around when Pansy yelled Harrison's name.

"Draco said you went into the Chamber of Secrets," Pansy rushed to say. "What happened?" Harrison sat down next to Daphne and spent half an hour telling them what transpired down in the chamber and about the books he took. Daphne paled when he told them about his injury and insisted that he show them his chest to prove that he was truly healed. Draco and Blaise had smirked at him when he did so causing Harrison to glare at them. They were all interested when he said he used the elixir of life to heal himself and they all asked him to explain in detail what happened once he drank it. He finished his story just as the common room door opened and Snape walked through wearing a sour expression on his face.

"Everyone over here now!" Snape barked in a tone he normally reserved for the Gryffindors. The Slytherins knew that if he used that tone it was best to do as he said, they all turned to face their head of house. "As I informed you all earlier there were three deaths today. The culprit had been caught and it is being dealt with internally." He sneered as he spoke and the students exchanged curious looks. "The headmaster doesn't wish for me to tell you but I will not lie to my students, I ask all of you to not speak of this outside of the dungeon walls." He looked around the room wearing an expression that would cause most first years to burst into tears. "The Dark Lord possessed a first year Gryffindor who opened the chamber under his influence." There were several shocked looks but being Slytherins they easily covered them up. However most of the students looked both interested and impressed. Harrison smirked, he knew that Severus knew the truth and was amused at his ability to lie without actually lying. "Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is looking into the deaths to see if they could've been prevented. This means that over the next several days there will be more Aurors around the school and some of you may be called in for questioning. If you are called in for questioning you may request to have your parents there as well or myself." Snape's obsidian eyes scanned the students before turning and briskly leaving the room. Once the door was shut behind him the noise level grew to obscene levels.

"The Dark Lord possessed a first year?" An impressed voice rang around the room. "I wonder what else he's done at the school we don't know about." Harrison's smirk grew, they'll find out soon enough.

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