Chapter 61

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The rest of the year passed by quickly much to Harrison's relief. After the article had come out the day after the deaths the whole school was tense and the Gryffindors of course blamed the Slytherins. The only reason why fights weren't constantly breaking out was because there were Aurors stationed down almost every corridor, several times Cormac had looked to be on the verge of attempting to hex Harrison but an Auror always showed up. Harrison was glad they wouldn't be at Hogwarts next year they were nothing more than a hindrance because several times he wanted to visit the chamber or hex Cormac, especially after he insulted his friends but the Aurors would always be there. The Daily Prophet continued to post articles about the inquiry almost daily but they normally said the same thing with slightly different wording. It was hard for Rita Skeeter or any other reporter to find out much because the ministry was being tight lipped about the whole thing. In the end Amelia Bones concluded that Dumbledore could've handled the situation better but he wasn't going to be charged with anything because the only way he could've prevented the deaths was if he had closed the school. Harrison thought it was a load of dragon dung but there wasn't anything he could do about it. And his father told him that he knew Dumbledore would never be charged but the bad press he received was enough for people to question him and he would never again be seen the same way by most people.

Dumbledore was barely seen at meals for the rest of the year, and according to his father, Snape said he was spending most of his time doing things for the Order of the Phoenix. McGonagall was sometimes absent as well and Harrison assumed she was doing something for Dumbledore. Even the oaf Hagrid seemed to be gone constantly. Harrison wanted to know what they were up to, his father said Snape told him what he knew but apparently Dumbledore was keeping certain things from even his most trusted spy.

At first Ginny walked around the school like a zombie but after a few weeks she began to act like the rest of the first year Gryffindors. It seemed that she was slowly getting over being possessed although she occasionally would take on a slightly haunted look. Ron seemed to baby her now more than ever but the twins and Percy didn't seem to treat her any differently. The twins weren't aware of who his father was yet but they were already distancing themselves from their younger siblings although it seemed slightly subconsciously on their part. Percy knew and Harrison assumed that was why Percy would occasionally glance in his direction during meals or when they would pass in the hall. After Harrison informed his friends about Ginny's memories Blaise was disgusted to know that she truly did have a crush on him but Leo calmed him down by saying it could be used to their advantage down the road.

Once classes had resumed the students learned that Defense Against the Dark Arts had been canceled for the rest of the year. The fifth and seventh years were grateful because they hadn't learned anything from Lockhart and now they could study on their own. Harrison and his friends spent the period normally reserved for Defense practicing spells with Hermione, Neville, Luna and Susan. Draco and Leo had been hesitant for Hermione, Neville and Susan to join but Harrison told them he had his reasons. In truth he was planning on telling the three of them along with the twins who his father was over the summer and he wanted more time to get them to see him as a good friend and Luna came because she wanted to spend more time with Harrison.

Harrison still didn't know who the deputy headmistress next year or who the History of Magic teacher would be. His father told him he needed to seem surprised in regards to the latter and apparently Harrison had never met the former. But according to his father they were both loyal Death Eaters. Slytherin won their last Quidditch match of the year leading them to win the Quidditch cup once more and thanks to Ron and his friends for losing so many points Slytherin also won the house cup. This caused Draco to spend all of their Potions lessons mocking and gloating Ron, Dean and Seamus who would always then do something stupid to cause them to receive detentions. Harrison was amused at first but soon grew tiresome of the whole thing. How stupid do you have to be to keep falling for the same piece of bait constantly?

Soon exams came and once again Harrison was number one in his year followed by Daphne and Draco. He didn't admit it out loud but he was proud of Luna for being number one in her year. He found it amusing when Fred and George told him that Ron barely passed several of his classes including Potions which wasn't very surprising. What was surprising was that the twins scored in the top five of their year, he didn't believe them until they showed him their scores. Apparently studying with Harrison and his friends as well as wanting to learn in order to help with their future joke shop was motivation for them. Blaise had jokingly told them that one of them might be made a prefect now that they were in the top of their year and Harrison thought they were going to have heart attacks, they had looked genuinely horrified.

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