Chapter 29

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Harrison was flipping through the newest issue of Quidditch Weekly trying to ignore the noise around him. He could hear Daphne and Tracey rating the looks of professional Quidditch players and Luna telling Hermione about the crumple horned Snorkack, whatever the bloody hell that was. He looked up when Draco slammed his fist against the window, he looked up and saw the blonde scowling at a smirking Blaise. Before he could ask what happened the compartment door opened.

"There you are-"

"Ickle Harrison."

"We've been looking for-"

"You since we arrived."

"It's roomy in here-"

"You must've put an expansion-"

"Charm over the compartment."

"Since all of the compartments only hold ten-"

"And there are thirteen of you."

Fred and George said as they stood in the doorway to Harrison's usual compartment. They were wearing matching red t-shirts that clashed horribly with their hair, Harrison swore they did that on purpose.

"We always sit in the same compartment," Jenna reminded them.

"We forgot," Fred shrugged carelessly.

"What did you two need?" Harrison asked warily.

The twins wore matching scowls as they exchanged a significant look.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked from her seat in between Luna and Neville.

"Our dearest brother-" Fred rolled his eyes.

"Won't shut his mouth." George's scowl became more pronounced.

"He's telling his two little-"

"Friends about a fight you had-"

"In Diagon Alley."

"He says you said some horrid things-"

"About Gin Gin."

Draco looked up from his game with an annoyed expression. "Do you two ever finish your own bloody sentences?"

The twins exchanged looks and answered in unison. "Rarely."

"Of course," Draco muttered as a card exploded singeing his robes.

Harrison ignored Draco and turned his attention to the Weasley twins. "What did you two say?"

"We told him to keep his mouth shut-"

"And if you said something about Ginny then-"

"She must've done something to deserve it."

"Or you have some reason not to-"

"Like our little sister."

Harrison looked thoughtfully at the twins. Since he befriended them they'd shown great loyalty to him which was surprising. The Weasley's had always been a light family but the twins acted more neutral with a dark sense of humor. They appeared to be more loyal to Harrison than their own younger siblings. A part of Harrison wondered if it was because he supported their dreams of opening a joke shop and didn't try to change them. Another part of him wondered if it was because the twins wanted to branch away from their family. If he had a brother like Ron he'd want to branch away.

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