Chapter 6

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Harrison walked into the Potions classroom on Thursday and his eyes immediately landed on Neville. The Gryffindor was sitting by himself and looking around nervously. Harrison didn't know whether he was nervous about being his partner or because Snape would soon be in the classroom. He walked over to Neville and took the seat next to him, when his book landed on the table it made a thud and Neville jumped, head snapping towards him.

"H-Harrison," Neville said sounding slightly out of breath.

Harrison pushed down the urge to roll his eyes and mock his lack of Gryffindor courage. "Hello Neville." He put on a concerned look. "Are you alright?"

Neville gulped and nodded,Harrison sighed and looked directly into Neville's eyes. "I'm not going to sabotage you Neville,I promise that I'm only trying to be nice." Harrison saw Neville's eyes flicker over to Ron and back. Harrison felt like cursing the red head into oblivion, he should've known the idiot would say something to Neville about Harrison taking him to the hospital wing. "What did Ron say to you?"

"H-he didn't say anything," Neville stammered.

Harrison gave him a look of disbelief. "I'm not mad at you Neville. But, I highly doubt whatever Ron told you is the truth,he doesn't like me just because I'm in Slytherin. And like I said before, I genuinely do want to help you. However, if my presence makes you uncomfortable I can partner with someone else."

Harrison picked up his book, but Neville spoke stopping him mid-action. "No, it's okay," Neville said quietly. "I want you to be my partner."

Harrison grinned. "I'm glad."

Neville turned to the front of the classroom and Harrison looked over to Draco who had been watching the interaction. Harrison winked causing Draco to smirk. Gryffindors were so easy to manipulate is wasn't even funny. Harrison turned around when the door slammed open and Snape came walking in, he flicked his wand and directions appeared on the blackboard. He paused when he saw Harrison and Neville, but didn't comment on the pairing.

"Today you will pair up into groups of two," Snape said silkily. "Follow the directions on the board, you have the entire period. I don't want any accidents." His eyes flicked to the Gryffindors before lingering on Neville who paled. "Begin."

"Don't panic," Harrison said trying to sound soothing. "If you listen to what I say, you'll be fine." Neville nodded. "Go get the ingredients listed on the board and I'll prepare our work station. Try to get the good ingredients." Neville looked puzzled and Harrison internally groaned and looked at Daphne who was sitting across from him. "Daphne,will you show Neville how to pick out ingredients."

Daphne smiled. "Of course."

Harrison pulled out his scale and five minutes later Neville came back carrying the ingredients they'd need. He checked over the ingredients and found that they were all decent enough to make a good potion.

"Good job Neville," Harrison told him. He wanted to build up his confidence as much as he could.

Neville looked surprised. "Thanks,but Daphne helped me."

"I know," Harrison told him. "But I'm sure she didn't pick them all out, and now you'll know what to look for in quality ingredients."

Neville flushed under the light praise, to Harrison, it seemed like he wasn't used to getting compliments.

Half an hour later their potion was light blue, the color is was supposed to be. "Now, I want you to stir the potion counter clockwise seven times," Harrison said.

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