Chapter 44

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Dumbledore sat in his office with his chin resting on his steepled fingers. His half moon spectacles were perched precariously on the tip of his crooked nose and his purple and silver robes glittered in the light from the orange flames burning in the ornate fireplace.

Dumbledore's office was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tattered wizard's hat — the Sorting Hat.

The parts of the walls that didn't hold portraits were filled with floor to ceiling book shelves. Old tomes from the time of the founders sat next to books written about modern Transfiguration. These shelves also held many books that Dumbledore had removed from the restricted section after he became headmaster. He didn't think students should be looking through books such as Secrets of the Darkest Arts or A Guide to The Dark Arts.

Standing on a golden perch behind the door was a decrepit-looking bird that resembled a half-plucked turkey. Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix was close to his burning day. The majestic creature normally had beautiful crimson feathers with a golden tail as long as a peacocks and a gleaming golden beak.

Dumbledore hadn't moved from the position he was in now since he returned from visiting Justin Finch-Fletchey in the hospital wing. His mind was even more full than usual and thought after thought floated through his head. Most of his thoughts were centered around one person, Harrison Riddle.

The second year reminded him so much of Tom Riddle in looks and intelligence but from what his staff told him he was the complete opposite personality wise. As far as the headmaster knew no one except for Severus knew that Harrison Riddle was the son of Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore had kept it that way because he didn't want them to treat him differently than they did any other student, and if word got out that Voldemort had an heir there would be an uproar. When Dumbledore first learned about Harrison he had set Severus the task of finding out everything he could about the boy. Snape had reported that Harrison spent most of the time with his godparents, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

Dumbledore hadn't been surprised upon learning that information, he had never pictured Tom raising a child after all. It also gave the headmaster hope that the boy had a chance to join the light or at least stay neutral in the war. If the boy had even half of his fathers powers he would be a formidable foe. Dumbledore had continued to inquire about Harrison but according to Snape he was the same as every other child with the exception of being gifted both intellectually and magically.

Dumbledore had subtly asked about Harrison to the boys professors the previous school year. All of them had said the same thing, Harrison was a prodigy. Dumbledore had felt worried upon learning that he was able to perform every spell in class perfectly the first time. From what Dumbledore heard Harrison showed even more promise than Tom had at his age and that was frightening. If Harrison were to join his father than not only would the boys soul be ruined but the dark side would have a powerful warrior.

Dumbledore had become even more worried every time he heard about the confrontations between Harrison and Ronald Weasley. It seemed that at least once a week Harrison and his group of friends would get into a fight with Ron and his two friends. His worry lessened slightly however upon learning that Ron started the fights nine times out of ten and the other times it was usually the young Malfoy. He had thought it would be Harrison getting into trouble, but instead it was Ron who he had to use all of his influence in order to keep from being expelled after the dragon incident.

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