Chapter 7

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As they entered November the weather turned very cold. The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake froze like steel, every morning the ground was covered in frost. Hagrid, the gamekeeper, could be seen from the upstairs windows defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field bundled up in a long moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, and enormous beaver skin boots. The students who knew how to perform them used heating charms, but it was so cold that they didn't last very long. No one spent time outside anymore with the exception of quidditch practice.

Leo's guess that Dumbledore wouldn't get into trouble for the troll incident was accurate. The parents of the Slytherins had been furious about the attack and dozens of complaints were filed against both the school and Dumbledore. With many of the Slytherins parents holding prominent Ministry positions aurors were sent to investigate led by Amelia Bones. After a week of investigating the aurors had concluded that Professor Quirrell let the trolls in and then ran, something which they considered to be out of Dumbledore's control. The Ministry wasn't aware of the presence of the Philosopher's Stone so they had no idea why Quirrell would want to release trolls into the school. However some speculated that he had lost his mind during his travels the previous summer, others told everyone they knew that Quirrell was a Death Eater who had applied for the job in order to corrupt the students.

In regards to the stone, Dumbledore soon found out that it was missing according to Harrison's father. Snape reported that Dumbledore found the stone to be missing the day after Halloween and came to the conclusion that Quirrell stole it under Voldemort's order. Dumbledore couldn't be seen for a week after that night, and when he finally began eating meals in the Great Hall again, he looked worried. His blue eyes had lost their twinkle and he looked much older than usual.

It probably didn't help that there was a Death Eater attack in three separate village over the first week of November. This time aurors were injured when fights broke out between Death Eaters and the aurors. To the frustration of the Ministry no Death Eaters were captured in any of the attacks. The Ministry was trying to quell the panic that was beginning to build from all of the articles the Daily Prophet was printing. Minister Fudge held several press conferences to ensure the public that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was doing everything it could to stop the attacks.

By the second week in November a new Defense professor had been hired. He was an older man named Arnold Vexer, he had black hair that was flecked gray. He had a no-nonsense attitude and was almost as strict as Snape. The students learned very quickly not to mess around in his class.

Since the incident on Halloween, Harrison spent more time with Hermione and Neville. They had both been extremely worried about the incident and Hermione had burst into tears the first time she saw him. Thankfully everyone who had been injured was back to full health after a week and Slytherin threw a party to celebrate. Violet had hugged Harrison and thanked him profusely for saving her life before disappearing with Evan. Harrison wasn't surprised, a near death experience makes you see people in a different light.

Being stuck inside also gave Harrison and his friends the perfect opportunity to befriend more students, something they took full advantage of. They even began branching out and befriending the second and third years. Harrison knew the older students in Ravenclaw would be easy, there were many dark students in Ravenclaw who would be able to turn their friends. He knew that most of the older Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors wouldn't even consider joining the dark. Especially not those like Cedric Diggory who had close familial ties to Dumbledore.

The first quidditch match of the school year was Slytherin versus Gryffindor. By the morning of the match the entire school knew that Harrison would be playing seeker. Ron, Dean, and Seamus complained about his appointment to the team at every opportunity, but most of the school ignored them. The morning of the match Harrison was eating breakfast when an owl he'd never seen before landed in front of him. He untied the letter and waved his wand over it to check for any traps,when he found none he opened it and looked down on large loopy writing. Blocking out the loud chatter of excitement from his fellow students he read a letter that caused his eyes to widen.

Harrison Riddle,

Before you burn up this letter and take it for a joke, hear me out. You don't know me, but I know you. This may sound crazy to you but it's the truth. You see, I'm a seer. My mother was a seer and her mother was one as well; every woman in my family is born with the sight. Some consider it a curse and others consider it a gift, but in reality it's a double edged sword. I see the future, however, every choice we make no matter how small has unforeseen consequences. Everything we do changes the course of our future.

For the past year, I've been having dreams about you. I wanted to write to you after the dreams became more frequent, but I knew I had to wait until the time was right. I woke up this morning and I had a feeling that today was the day I needed to write to you. I know who you are Harrison Salazar Riddle or should I say Harry James Potter. I know that the one who calls himself Lord Voldemort took you on the night he murdered James and Lilly Potter to raise you as his son. Do not fret, for I will not tell anyone.

I've seen the future that will come to pass shall the Dark Lord win. I want to be a part of that world and I know that my place is with you, I've seen it. I may not sound it, but I am young. I will not be eleven until this summer. I grew up quite isolated and all I had to occupy my time were books. Despite my age I know what I want and how to get it. I wish to meet you and the Dark Lord in person. I can meet you whenever it's convenient and I will make an oath not to betray your secrets.

Hoping you respond soon,

Luna Lovegood

By the time Harrison had finished reading the letter his hands were holding the parchment so tightly his hands were white. His face was as pale as a ghost and he could've sworn his heart stopped beating. How could she possibly know who my birth parents are? How can a ten year old girl possibly know any of that? The letter didn't sound like the letter of a child, more like that of an adult. He reread the letter and his eyes narrowed in on her name. He knew the last name Lovegood, someone with that last name wrote that horrid magazine, the Quibbler. He would need to send this letter to his father right away. Whoever this girl was she needed to either swear an oath or be silenced permanently.

"Are you okay?" Daphne asked frowning. "You don't look so good."

Harrison's head snapped up and he folded the letter. "I'm fine." He quickly stood up. "Tell Marcus I'll be in the changing room soon."

Harrison briskly walked to the dungeons and picked up his pace until he entered the common room. No one was there, everyone was either at breakfast or on their way to the stands to watch the game. He grabbed a quill and parchment and began writing a letter.


I received this letter at breakfast and I don't know what to make of it. If it's a joke, then she needs to be dealt with, but if she's serious, than a legitimate seer would be good for our side.



He folded the letter and included the note from Luna Lovegood.

"Twinky!" Harrison called and with a pop a small house elf appeared.

"Is Master Harrison okay?" Twinky squeaked. "Master Harrison never calls Twinky to school."

"I'm fine, but I'm in a hurry so I can't send this by owl post," Harrison said in a rush, for once losing his composure. "Give this to my dad and tell him to have you bring the reply. When you bring it back, don't give it to me just put it on my desk." He gestured to the desk.

"Okay," Twinky said. "Twinky will do what Master Harrison says." She bowed and disappeared.

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