Chapter 136

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The atmosphere in the Great Hall was thick with tension as students got up and began to make their way towards their dorms. Dumbledore's announcement that aurors would now be stationed around the school, and roaming the grounds had been met with mixed reactions. Some of the students had looked relieved and others wary. As Ron walked out of the hall he passed several wizards flanking the large wooden doors, wearing the red robes and gleaming gold badge of an auror.

"The Slytherins didn't seem pleased to see the aurors," Seamus mused.

"Of course, they didn't," Ron scoffed.

"You have to feel a little bad for them, don't you?" Dean asked. Ron and Seamus looked at him as though he had three heads, so he elaborated. "Some of their friends and parents died. Slytherin's or not, that has to hurt."

"Their parents are Death Eaters," Ron said stubbornly.

"Still," Dean said uneasily.

"You're a muggleborn," Ron said, "you don't know what it's like to have lost your family to those monsters. My Uncles, grandma, and grandfather were all killed by Death Eaters. I have no sympathy for them."

"Ron has a point," Seamus said uncomfortably at Dean's affronted look. "You've only heard and seen the things that have happened in the past few years. We grew up hearing about the Death Eaters. Seeing their victims faces in the Daily Prophet. I find it hard to feel bad myself."

"Their parents, I understand, but the kids?" Dean asked. "They never did anything."

"Nott was practically a Death Eater," Ron said. "He would've grown up to be as bad as his father."

The three Gryffindor's rounded a corner and stopped upon being confronted by four furious faces. Harrison's eyes looked inhuman as they glowed green.

"I would stop talking, Weasley," Leo said coldly.

"Shove off, Lestrange," Ron said.

"Don't," Harrison said, when Leo opened his mouth to retort. "Let the little Gryffindor's keep talking. I want them to give me a reason to wipe those stupid looks off their faces."

"Speaking of faces, I wonder what Nott's looked like when he died," Ron said.

Seamus and Dean both looked at Ron in shock.

Ron had never seen so much hate radiate off a person until now. Harrison's eyes glowed even brighter. Draco's eyes narrowed into slits, and his cheeks turned red. Blaise's nostrils flared, and Leo's hands balled into fists. Ron thought for sure one of the boys would attack him.

Leo suddenly relaxed his hands and smiled. "His face looked better than your sister's when she's getting fucked in the ass by Viktor Krum."

Ron's face turned red and he pulled out his wand. The four Slytherin's were faster, and their wands were out before his was. But before anyone could think of casting a spell, a shimmering shield formed between the Gryffindors and Slytherins.

"What is the meaning of this?" Snape asked, after appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

"Ronald here thought it would be a good idea to speak ill of the dead," Harrison said coldly.

Snape's eyes narrowed. "Did he now?"

"He said my sister—" Ron was cut off.

"Do not speak, Mister Weasley," Snape said sharply. "The three of you will serve detention with me for the entire week, and I will deduct twenty points from Gryffindor." The three Gryffindors widened their eyes. "Each."

"What?" Seamus said. "That isn't fair."

"Do not speak about fair while you stand here alive," Snape said lowly. His eyes flickered over all of the fourth years. "To your dormitories immediately."

Ron had to bite his tongue from making a retort. He glared at the Slytherins before pushing past them and walking towards the Gryffindor common room.

"I can't believe that git," Ron snapped.

"That was low," Dean said.

Ron spun around. "Are you taking their side?"

"What? No!" Dean said. "But you didn't have to mention Nott."

"Who cares about Nott," Ron said, "did you hear what they said about Ginny?" His ears turned red.

"They were just messing with you," Seamus said awkwardly.

"They better have been," Ron mumbled.


Leo shook with anger as his narrowed eyes watched the Gryffindors walk away. He didn't need his wand, he would tear Ron apart with his bare hands. A calming hand came to rest on his shoulder.

"I'm angry too, but the time will come when he will get what he deserves," Harrison said quietly. "He'll pay for his words before this ends."

Leo nodded stiffly, as Harrison gently tugged his arm towards the Slytherin common room.

"I don't like the way they keep staring at us," Pansy said, with a glare behind Harrison.

Harrison glanced over his shoulder. Two aurors were standing on either side of the Great Hall doors, their expressions impassive. Their eyes scanned the entire Hall, but Harrison noticed that they looked more frequently at the Slytherin table.

"Let them stare," Harrison said.

Fleur sniffed disdainfully. "I agree with Pansy, it's uncomfortable. I've never been looked at that way before."

"You're stared at all day, every day," Jenna said slowly. Her eyes still red rimmed.

"Yes, but not as if I was some criminal," Fleur said sourly.

"They're aurors," Blaise said, while buttering a slice of toast. "They're suspicious of everyone." He nodded his head back towards the aurors. "Look, that one on the right is eyeing the Hufflepuff table as if the Dark Lord himself is sitting amongst them."

Harrison snorted at the thought, but the sound was drowned out by flapping wings. Harrison watched as owls soared to every table to deliver the morning post. The Daily Prophet landed in front of him but he didn't pay it any mind.

"Oh Merlin," Tracey gasped.

"What?" Blaise asked.

Tracey pushed her copy of the Daily Prophet forwards as gasps and murmurs sprung up around the hall. Harrison looked down and read in large, bold print, Dozens of Ministry Employees Arrested for Questioning After Ministry Ordered Searches!

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