Chapter 128

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Tom let out a furious growl as he slashed his wand through the air. A loud crack signaled that the anti-apparition wards had fallen. From the far side of the lake he could see buildings engulfed in flames, and see small figures running. He didn't know where Harrison was, and he wasn't going to waste time running around; so Tom pushed aside all thought and concentrated on his son. He disappeared without a sound and landed in the middle of mayhem, which he ignored as his eyes immediately landed on Harrison.

Tom's fury intensified as he saw that his son was struggling to stand up, and that blood was trickling down his face. He was going to murder everyone involved in this.

"Dad," Harrison's weak voice said. "You have to help them." Harrison hissed as his leg gave out sending him crashing to the ground.

Tom flicked his wand and Harrison's body went stiff as a board. He didn't want Harrison to move and aggravate his injuries. Tom ignored the screaming all around him as he moved quickly to his son. Harrison was having trouble keeping his eyes open. Tom absentmindedly ran his hand over Harrison's head to reassure himself, as he assessed his injuries. Harrison eyes were going in and out of focus, and Tom could tell he was struggling to remain conscious.

"Hermione," Harrison rasped. "Blaise. Dad, you—"

"You are my only priority," Tom said, his tone clipped.

"Please," Harrison said imploringly. His emerald eyes dimmed.

A surge of frustration at his son's stubbornness surged through him.

"Mipsy," Tom called.

Harrison's house elf appeared and her eyes widened upon seeing him lying stiff as a board and covered in blood. Her round eyes bulged out her her head.

"Master Harrison!" Mispy squeaked. "What has happened?"

"Mipsy," Tom said, his voice laced with venom. "Take Harrison to our healers, and inform them that if he isn't back to perfect health by the time I return, I will kill them along with their entire families and everyone they've ever met."

Mipsy nodded her head furiously. "Yes, Master."

Harrison's eyes fluttered closed, and Tom's right eye twitched as he controlled his magic that was begging to lash out. Harrison and Mipsy disappeared.

Tom looked around and his eyes narrowed when they landed on several Death Eaters fighting with the newly arrived aurors. His son was injured, and his own Death Eaters were responsible. He hadn't thought his own followers were behind the attack, as they know he would kill anyone who so much as touched Harrison. He reached out with his magic, using their dark marks to discern their identities. His fury turned to shock then back to fury when he learned the Carrow siblings were among those fighting the aurors. The many ways in which he would make them suffer before they died flashed through his mind when a voice broke through his thoughts.

"Harrison?" A weak voice slurred.

Tom turned around and his eyes immediately found a disoriented Blaise, and an unconscious Hermione. He cursed under his breath, as he walked swiftly towards his sons best friends. While doing so he used the mark to call Severus and Barty to him. Within a few seconds his two Death Eaters arrived. Tom didn't utter a word before Barty bent down and began casting diagnostic charms on Blaise and Hermione.

"Tom," Severus said. Tom knew Severus couldn't call him 'My Lord' in public. "We were alerted by Lucius as to the attack. I take it you weren't aware?" Tom gave Severus a look so cold he wouldn't have been surprised had he froze into a statue. Severus nodded then looked around at the destruction. "Were any of the Death Eaters captured?"

"I don't know," Tom said, his voice void of all emotion.

Once the anti-apparition wards had fallen, most of the people had fled, taking children with them. The only ones left were the aurors, as by now the Death Eaters had fled. Wails could still be heard as a few of the people who stayed behind mourned lost loved ones, or were too injured to apparate.

"I need to return to the Manor," Tom said. "Harrison was injured, and I need to see to his recovery."

"What?" Severus asked sharply. He had gone deathly pale.

"His injuries were numerous, but not life-threatening," Tom said. A tinge of relief in his tone. "But before I deal with the responsible parties I need to see him. You two need to find his friends, and have them sent to the infirmary wing at the Manor."

"Of course," Severus said.

Tom nodded swiftly before disapparating.

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