Chapter 27

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"This book list is a joke," Draco sneered. "Gilderoy Lockhart is the worlds biggest fraud."

"I concur," Theo chimed in. "I doubt even Weasley believes the trifle written in Lockhart's books. Who is thick enough to believe that you can catch a ghoul with a tea strainer?"

"His books do make him sound idiotic," Daphne said. "My father says that it's all lies and that he's just taking credit for what other people have done and embellishes what really happened. I can't believe we have to buy almost all of his books."

"Merlin himself couldn't make me read that drivel," Blaise sniffed disdainfully.

Harrison and his friends continued to complain about the books required for that year while making their way through Diagon Alley. The Alley was filled with students and their parents trying to buy all of their supplies. They passed groups of giggling girls, boys drooling over the Nimbus 2001 window display in Quality Quidditch Supplies and little kids complaining about not being able to attend Hogwarts.

The Alley was uncomfortable to be in because everyone was in a hurry trying to get done. Harrison was bumped into multiple times and was sorely tempted to curse everyone who did so. The only thing that stopped him from doing so was the fact that it would ruin his helpful prodigy image he spent the past year portraying. Draco on the other hand had no such qualms and pulled his wand out when an older boy Harrison recognized as a Gryffindor ran into him almost sending him to the ground. The only thing that stopped Draco was Pansy who hissed something in his ear that caused him to pale before scowling and stowing his wand away.

Two hours after arriving in the Alley Harrison and his friends had purchased everything except for their books. During their shopping they ran into several of their friends. Fred and George had been outside of Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop and Terry Boot was with Anthony Goldstein in Madam Malkin's. Harrison cast a tempus and saw that it was almost half past noon, and that was when they were supposed to meet their parents at Flourish and Blott's.

They pushed past groups of people until they arrived at the book store. Harrison could tell it was extremely packed inside and there was a line out the door. He and his friends gathered around a large banner that stretched across the upper windows. He internally groaned when he read it.


Will be signing copies of his autobiography


Today 12:30P.M. to 4:30P.M.

"Oh fu-" Blaise began but was cut off.

"Don't finish that sentence," a stern but beautiful voice said.

Harrison turned around and was surprised to see Blaise' mother Aurora Zabini standing behind them. She was a tall and slim woman with aristocratic features including the most defined cheek bones Harrison had ever seen. Her long black hair stopped at her waist and her bright blue eyes pierced anyone she looked at. Her plump red lips were pursed slightly and her pale skin brought out her features. Aurora wore a mask of cool indifference even towards her two children although she did love them. However most of her time was spent traveling with whoever her newest husband happened to be. There was no proof but it was a known fact in the pureblood circles that she would kill her husbands when she tired of them.

Aurora didn't have many friends because she was never in one place for very long. Narcissa and Bellatrix were the only two people she was close to. And with the exception of her two kids she detested children, the only other one she liked was Harrison. He didn't know why he just knew that she had always liked him.

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