Chapter 37

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Harrison walked with his friends in high spirits which were immediately lowered when his least favorite red head stepped in front of him. The Slytherins had just exited the dungeons into the ground floor of Hogwarts where apparently Ron, Dean and Seamus had been waiting for them. From Ron's words Harrison assumed word had already gotten out about the new Slytherin brooms. Harrison was surprised, it normally took an hour or so for news to spread through Hogwarts. Sometimes he really hated the ghosts and portraits' need to gossip.

"Bought your way onto the Quidditch team Riddle?" Ron asked viciously.

Harrison eyed the red head with disdain, he didn't enjoy wasting his time with the worthless Gryffindor. Harrison only wanted to deal with him when he was in the mood to watch the idiot get himself into trouble and now was not one of those times. He wanted nothing more than to make Ron beg for mercy before snuffing him out in the most painful way possible. A cold smile crossed his lips as he thought about destroying Ron's life and watching the boy destroy himself as everything he loved fell.

"I don't need to buy my way onto the team," Harrison drawled. "I unlike some people have talent." He paused to enjoy watching Ron's face turn red. "I however don't deny providing my fellow team mates with Nimbus 2001's. But it's hardly my fault that I'm rich and my father can afford the best. Just because you live in destitute in that hovel you call a home doesn't mean the rest of us do." His smile grew when Ron's fists clench. "And can I help it that my father enjoys buying me things? No, I can't. So why don't you and your little friends go do us all a favor and jump into the Black Lake."

"I'm sick of you being such a bastard," Ron snapped. "All of you are evil and no one else sees it!" The Slytherins exchanged amused looks causing Ron to point a finger at them. "See? I know you're all up to something but around everyone else you act all innocent. Even Percy and the twins like you guys, but I don't because I know you're up to something. You all hide who you really are but I know that you're really evil."

Harrison's eyes narrowed slightly and they shone more than usual, in that moment they were brighter than any killing curse ever was. He wasn't evil and he didn't appreciate the most ignorant fool in the world calling him that. It was one thing for his friends to jokingly call themselves that but the word infuriated him to no end. He wasn't evil, he was dark and there was a huge difference. Just because he was willing to kill and torture didn't make him evil. This was war and in war you do things that not everyone agrees with. Now more than ever he wanted to curse Ron so bad he would never be able to move again. He was truly get sick of dealing with him on an almost daily basis.

"And you two agree with him?" Harrison asked in a quiet tone trying not to let his anger show. Seamus and Dean nodded. "Well, for your information we aren't evil you ignorant buffoons. And if I were the three of you I would keep your opinions to yourself and shut your bloody mouths." By the end of his sentence his voice was so low everyone had to strain to hear it.

"Don't threaten us," Dean said angrily.

"It didn't sound like a threat to me," Blaise said nonchalantly.

Ron turned to Blaise and smirked. "You're going to be just like your mother." Harrison saw Blaise's eyes take on a dangerous glint. "How many husbands has she killed now? I heard my parents talking about it over the summer, how no one is able to prove her involvement. I reckon she sleeps with the Aurors or maybe she pays them off with all of her blood money."

"Don't say a word against my mother," Blaise snarled.

"Or what?" Ron said mockingly.

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