Chapter 134

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Dumbledore looked around the large meeting chamber and a hundred pairs of eyes stared back at him, some bored while others were intent and focused.

"Before this afternoon's session of the Wizengamot comes to a close," Dumbledore began, "does anyone have any proposals for consideration?"

The meeting chamber was silent until Amelia cleared her throat and stood up.

"Madame Bones," Dumbledore smiled kindly, "you have the floor."

"Thank you, Chief Warlock," Amelia said respectfully. Her sharp eyes scanned the chamber, and she clasped her hands behind her back. "You are all aware of the egregious attack that took place on the thirty-first of December."

Several murmurs sprung out. Dumbledore looked over to where Lucius and his close associates were sitting. He could see the wheels spinning in their heads, as they tried to guess what Amelia was going to say before she said it. Rodolphus' lips fell into a thin line as his eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly.

"As the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," Amelia continued, "I take the safety of each and every citizen of wizarding Britain seriously. Although, with the blessing of the Ministry of Magic and this esteemed body, measures have been put into place to help ensure safety, it has become quite evident that an increase in the number of aurors and additional security is not enough."

Lucius' eyes snapped over to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore merely smiled in response. The Malfoy patriarch's eyes seemed to glow for a moment, before his lip curled slightly and he looked back to Amelia.

"This most recent attack, at the hands of Death Eaters led to the death of dozens of innocent witches and wizards," Amelia continued, "including members of the Wizengamot and defenseless children. It never should have taken such a tragedy to show us that more needs to be done to stop the Death Eaters and the self-titled Dark Lord Voldemort." Several gasps echoed throughout the hall, but Amelia ignored them.

"Since the attack, the Ministry has been inundated by complaints and concerns that we are not doing enough to protect them," Amelia said. "It is unfortunate that they are correct. The Ministry of Magic not only should, but needs to, identify and capture every last Death Eater. To do this we must be able to trust everyone within. That is why I propose that all Ministry of Magic employees be subjected to a mandatory questioning, in addition to having their homes searched for any illegal activities." More murmurs sprung up. "These searches should be at random and with no warning."

"That's outrageous!" Cornelius spluttered. "We are not criminals. Why should our homes be invaded by aurors?"

"These are dark times, Minister," Amelia said sharply. "Mistrust is rampant, and the Death Eaters appear to know when and where to attack with the least amount of aurors. It is quite obvious that someone on the inside is feeding them information."

Cornelius opened and closed his mouth, looking like a fish out of water.

"Hem, hem," Umbridge said. All eyes turned towards the toad faced woman. "I agree with Amelia." Dumbledore's eyebrows rose slightly. "There is nothing to fear, Minister, because we have nothing to hide. If these searches will help catch those plotting against the Ministry of Magic it would be detrimental for us not to allow them." She gave Amelia a smile.

Dumbledore could see no sincerity in Umbridge's words or demeanor, although everyone else appeared to believe her concern. He watched as Umbridge continued to smile while altering the large pink gem that sparkled on her finger. He had been watching Umbridge carefully since she had begun working at Hogwarts. Umbridge seemed exceedingly loyal to Fudge, and that made Dumbledore wonder if he was the only person she was loyal to.

Dumbledore moved his eyes away from Umbridge and onto Lucius who was staring at Amelia while Rodolphus whispered something in his ear. Lucius nodded sharply once then Rodolphus sat back properly in his seat.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Do you have anything more to add, Madame Bones, or shall we put your proposal to a vote?"

"I am not quite done, Chief Warlock," Amelia said. "It is also my belief that for their safety, a dozen aurors should be stationed at Hogwarts at all times."

"By Merlin!" Amos Diggory exclaimed. "Do you really believe that necessary? You Know Who can't get into Hogwarts."

"As far as we know, Voldemort," Amelia put emphasis on his name, "cannot get into Hogwarts. However, that does not mean him or his Death Eaters will not find a way. And with children, is it not better to be safe than sorry?"

No one said a word as Amelia looked around the hall, daring someone to contradict her. Amelia nodded as though her point had been made.

"Now I am finished," Amelia said, as she sat down.

Dumbledore rose to his feet. "We will now vote on Madame Bones' proposal."

All around the chamber wands were raised into the air. Amelia's wand tip glowed blue, as did those around her. Dumbledore looked at Lucius who stared haughtily back at him. Lucius raised his wand and the tip glowed blue. He had to give Lucius credit, the man didn't look furious, although he no doubt was. Cornelius looked around the hall before his wand too lit up blue.

Dumbledore smiled as not a single wand lit up red.

"Madame Bones' proposal has passed," Dumbledore banged down his gavel. "Meeting adjourned."

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